Friday, August 29, 2008

Mage/Priest Guide (Part I)



This is the most simple matchup in some ways. The war will be on your priest to inhibit his ability to mana burn and to prevent his CC on the druid and also, well, to avoid being kited by your mage. You will be sheep-locking him. Full poly into half DR poly into nova. It's 22ish seconds of lockdown for you and your priest to do as you wish. A rank f1bolt at some point during the end of the nova for a chance to extend it into a frostbite and to give your priest some extra time.


Some mages do retarded shit like full DR sheep->nova->half DR sheep. They then poly again for 2 seconds and poly into immune like retards. I see this in vids all the time. Are you fucking kidding me? Kill yourselves.

Both teams require RNG to win or the game just goes on forever. They need a mace stun or huge crits; you need crits or a bite proc. You can definitely lose this matchup with bad luck and good play on their part. Fortunately, almost nobody plays this correctly against mage/priest. Spell reflecting frostbolts and trinketing a random poly for no reason isn't going to get it done. The war should save spell reflect and CDs until he's on poly DR and then hop on your priest while the druid tries to CC the mage. Good crits and mace stuns plus a spell reflect on a poly, and a trinket should potentially give the warrior time to land a kill. I've yet to really see this done well and often you can keep up enough pressure where the war is spending most of the match just trying to stay alive.

Start with frostbolt spam on the war, shatter any bites you get. If the war drops below 60% and is relatively in the open, summon a pet, and be ready to silence the druid. Be mindful that the wars first action will probably be intervening his druid.

Basically, you're looking to put the druid way behind. You do this by silencing him and then dispelling hots and by putting him in risk of eating a fear. This is only possible if well positioned; if you chase the war around a pillar while he beats on your priest, you will fucking lose you baddy.

In Nagrand, sit in the center and wait for them with your mage out in front and your priest mounted. Harass with rank 1 blizzard and lances on the war, if need be, wait for eyes. Fight exclusively in the center and your priest should be mindful of when poly DRs are up and can hopefully outrange intercepts a bit. In Blade's Edge, hold the center of the bridge. In Lordaeron, try to pull the warrior out to behind the grave on the hill between the gravestone and the wall. It's horrible LoS for the druid and makes landing a fear ridiculously easier.

If at any time, you don't like where they are taking the fight. Don't chase. Eat/Drink. Never let yourselves get low on health or mana. Eat/Drink even when you don't really think it is necessary.

Don't obsess about mana burning the druid and "winning the mana war." Druids are imba and homosexual and between second wind, lifebloom, and terrible mage DPS, he can keep the war up a long time.

You win when you create a window for a kill. This happens when you get a fear into mind control on the druid along with a crit frostbolt leading into a shatter on the warrior. It's obviously difficult to get a fear on the druid if you eat a hamstring, so just sheep and reset if you can't see a fear happening.

There's no real "trick" to beating druid+warrior. Manage DRs well. Burn their cooldowns and use yours at good times. Use Imp CS aggressively along with dispels on hots during the silence. If the war ends up on your priest and things look shitty, and the war is on poly AND nova DR, rank 1 frostbolt + r1 CoC are your best options for your first two globals as a bite proc is the best save for the situation.

Mind control rapes Blade's Edge. Have your priest sit on the pillar with his back to the corner to prevent intercept. When you need to reset, sheep twice, and then MC about two seconds into poly. Toss war off. Med up. Any non retard druid will avoid the center of the bridge as it puts him in a bad position to eat a fear into an MC off the bridge. At some point, he'll get frustrated and have to come in to assist his warrior with CC and feral charges/bashes which you can take advantage of.

I think blinking charge is optimal versus this team if you can't deny it; almost nobody will agree probably, but if the war is dump enough to burn intercept on you, it can lead to a very fast win as your priest is not hamstringed and free to fear the druid. If you think you can pull this off, shatter the warrior, imp cs the druid during the fear, and have your priest mash dispel as the druid trinkets and try to grab the NS. (You'd be fucking appalled at how often you can get this) Another embarassing way to humiliate bads is to fear the druid, pain him, and then MC the warrior after the shatter and watch the druid trinket and intend to NS the warrior but auto target himself and NS the pain tick. (Yup...)

You can double shatter with relative easy against this team, and it's really the only team you can pull it off against, so it's worth trying if the opportunity arises. With IV+PI+MQG, frostbolt->pet nova->lance->lance can be pulled off at 25ish yards with relative ease and is pretty nasty damage.

It's pretty important you get comfortable playing against druid/war because it is totally ubiquitous in every BG in every rating bracket. It also teaches you to play the comp pretty well as the games are moderately long, somewhat lopsided in your favor, and give you lots of opportunities to try new shit.

I use mind control a ton against this team when the war spends time on my mage, which is questionable, but is interesting. Just don't do it with full hots on the war and your mage midcast. I generally just do it to give my mage some room and to put the war in a more useful location, but it has the advantage of screwing up the bloom stack and generally freaking out bad druids. It is an awful waste of time with stupid resists some games though -- as a priest, there are times where there isn't a ton to do against this comp though and spamming smite just doesn't get it done.


Anonymous said...


Kawklee said...

sounds too hard.

I'd rather just reroll war or druid and faceroll to wins =(

Nether said...

You're raping Ming on Vhairi's poll, fyi.

Thanks for the guide!

Garrett said...

Raddy I don't think you need to SWP to get the Druid to auto-target-NS himself. It will do that even if he's at full HP if he has an enemy targetted and auto self cast on.

Zm said...

I've been running this comp as pom/pyro since late S2 (before PV's vid though he's on my bg and doing better ><) and I basically specced AP because as frost druid/war takes so fucking long. Why the fuck would I want to spend 40 minutes of my life trying to double shatter, then sheeping and drinking? I think if the game goes more than 15minutes there are basically no winners, regardless of who kills who in the end.
As shown in PV's video you can kill a warrior during an imp cs with a bit of luck, and if not you've got the trinket down from the fear and can mc the druid while you finish off the warrior. 2 minute matches are a good time.
Given the prevalence of druid/war you're literally saving yourself hours each week by rocking baller. This is time you could be using to practice the correct things to say during sex.

Hello Vicar.

N said...

Why didn't that last one use my profile?

mischief said...

id rather lose than play this setup as frost

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Toss war off.

Raddy said...

To be honest, I've been winning most of my watches against druid/war in less than five minutes. (Good frostbites can lead to very fast wins) There are occasional teams that simply play to "not lose" that take longer, but such is life.

I have very little experience playing ap/fire + priest, but have played as frost to 2300 from the priest side, and 2200s from the mage side, so I'm generally more comfortable talking about the frost side matrix. I also think that as long as the mage you are playing or are playing with has Mind Quickening, it's such as shame to not play frost as it is SO good. (You sometimes just destroy people with it)

Raddy said...

Druid/Rogue and Priest/Rogue imo are much much easier as frost, at least from what I've seen. (Druid/Rogue is next in series)

kzn said...

i love you raddy

Gaylexial said...

I'm losing BGs on your char the bar gayness is my fault if in fact there is bar gayness

Praestigium said...

Question, what if you don't usually play with Imp CS?

I play deep frost 3/0/58, I enjoy the mana conservation and the bigger crit numbers, I find I OOM far too quickly when playing as the cookie-cutter 17/44.

Would simply gibbing the warrior with frostbolt spam and then leaving your partner to execute the chain of cc on the druid a legit strategy?

That's what I find myself doing with my boomkin partner.

Anonymous said...

Garrett is right, NS+Heal works even with full health

Anonymous said...

When i sell rating and face roll druid warrior, we never lose to mage priest ;x

It's just too fucking easy to play defensive while stopping drinks and forcing the mage to blink on cd. pet killing as a druid takes a starfire. One thing that sucks is nightelf priests, but as long as the mage is oom you cant fucking lose.

Niiva said...

Celebrate my e-fame. I'm in a WoMblog.

Flayy said...

u faceroll priest/mage with druid/warrior? gratz at beating the 1500 rateings now u wanna move up or tell us your name or rateing instead of makeing clames and posting no reason to how this stratgy doesnt own ur team. im in 2000 with priest mage and working on how to beat shamen warrior and hunter priest. seems like we get deenided too much cc and never get a chance with a kill.

Oppo said...

new ISK vid is out.

Gawk at his pro-ness.

Grapevine: ISK is giving his shaman to GC.

Anonymous said...

interesting... i've seen a lot of gladiators nova a 10 sec poly and just assumed there was a reason.

Anonymous said...

not too to long ago Sheeps DR was bugged to start conting from the start, not the end, of the sheep so Sheep 8sec nova Sheep(10seconds!) worked

It got hotfixed and terribles didn't notice till they lost 200PR

Anonymous said...

You need a LOT of luck and a druid/rogue that don't play defensively AT ALL to beat that combo as mage/priest, cant wait to see the guide though.

Anonymous said...

lol @ klassick - nice1

samuelbeckett said...

Shattered barrier, FoF, BF now working (mostly); go go!

Azazael said...

I've played druid warrior against this a fair bit and never lost, if they're frost it's obviously going to be an extremely lame game that can basically last forever, but at the same time, I don't think you can ever really lose if you play it well since frost burst is so obvious w/ the Elemental having to come out, and as long as you have EA or trinket or w/e you can just intervene to a pillar and run in circles until the Pet dies :P

Pyro is scary at times since if they get crits they can kill you in d stance even if you reflect fireblast and whatnot, but I've played PV's team 5+ times and I don't think I've lost to him either, because although the damage is obviously very scary w/ crits, as soon as you're in a somewhat stable position you can go offensive right away w/ the long ass pyro dot on you basically making you immune to sheep for a while, and since fire mages don't have all the brutal slows you can just destroy the priest during that time since you have a big opening w/ pyro dot + a reflect + trinket, fear and other interrupts.

Tef said...

I've also never lost as dw vs. pm by just sitting on the priest. If they try to gay you by sitting in open range, you just fully hot/have your way go in/intervene/run out once they start really rolling.

Obviously keeping your warrior hotted even when there's seemingly no damaging pressure (both eles are down, pi is burned, mage is at half mana but the priest is chasing you trying to fear/mana burn) is very important.

However if you try to really fight, take the fight to them and don't play defensive as all hell, it's fucking cake for the pm.

Anonymous said...

ya but if you have a nub like matski, you will fail one way or another

Calx said...

yet another comp that can't actually beat war/dru, but only proves the point that 90%+ of war/dru's out there are awful enough to lose to it.