Tuesday, July 22, 2008


So, for those of you mages not trolling EJ or the beta boards:

Frostfire Bolt is affected by:

Burning Soul
Master of Element
Playing with Fire
Elemental Precision
Ice Shards
Piercing Ice
Frost Channeling
Arctic Winds
Winter's Chill
Winter's Grasp
Improved Scorch
All DK Debuffs
Curse of Elements (Gets Double Benefit)

That's pretty fucking sick. ^^

I stole JesusBolt, fuck you.

Basically, it gets everything but range talents. This is no big deal as the spell is 40 yards base.

For PvE, this obviously makes 34/37 of some sort damn sexy. (Not that I currently PvE)

For PvP, it's unclear what this means. Considering how much shallow Arcane has improved, it's hard to imagine not investing at least 17. Deep Frost doesn't get much use out of JesusBolt though. Perhaps a very down syndrome tri spec. Can a frost mage switch to nuking with JesusBolt for ignite crits and Burning Soul cast anti interruption? Or just give up on the arcane talents and run 0/30/41?


Anonymous said...

not going at least 51 frost for the stun would be questionable considering you can use it after winter's grasp.

the stun is really, really good.

Anonymous said...

The stun is hardly really good. It might have some uses, but what it basically is, is a HoJ with a cast time that's only useable on frozen targets. The spell also checks if the target is frozen before and after, so if the target gets dispelled or w/e before you're done casting, it fails. And with so many talents and ways to get out of stuns, I don't really see a great use for it. Occasionally useful, nothing more.

Anonymous said...

0/27/44 AWW YEAH

kzn said...

19 arc is pretty much absolutely required for arenas, since 6 yards on poly/cs is godly.

Tiago said...

i dont like to be negative, but this dont give us something really new. blizzard is making to easy for it self with the mage class

Luke said...

Spell Power + Arcane Power + Ignite + Ice Shards + Icy x2 (Cold Snap) + 'JesusBolt'

+PoM Pyro with all that shit for laughs

Vontre said...

I thought I tested 0/30/41 as being the best pve dps, though I don't quite remember.

Anonymous said...

What I find somewhat ludacris is that I can put ALL 71 talent points into the Frost tree and completely own. And still, the only thing I will really be missing is imped CS..... (which is still gamebreakingly good)

The new frost stuff is completely awesome... Fire is mediocre and Arcane potentially sucks hard and smelly donkeyass.

I could also perhaps, consider picking up ignite for the hell of frostfire bolt and fireblast... But probably not.

I mean, 20% extra slowing? even more IL and FrostB damage, more pet time.. and if you can't see the gloriusness of a 1.5 (add haste and IV for faster casting..) 5 second ranged stun...

You are mentally retarded. Frost still > all.

(this is ofc from a PvP perspective..)

phael said...

Three Things:

1) FFb is only affected by Firepower or Arctic Winds, whichever the target is currently more vulnerable to.

2) Deep Freeze is hardly bad. Between the unbreakable (bug? They're not breaking on damage like normal) Frostbite procs and Novas you'll be forcing cooldowns left and right just to avoid the freeze. Factor in Winter's Grasp, and you'll have plenty of opportunities the land it. Yes, I'd prefer it be instant (dps loss or not), No, I'm not sweating over having to fake another spell :P

3) Our AoE coefficients got a fucking RETARDED boost... Go Max rank Frost Nova something with damage gear on. Were talking 1300 crits. Now Cone them for the shatter... Get my drift? Also, Blizzard can crit on each tick, is affected by shatter, and applies WG / Frostbite when improved.

Things are looking so good for frost. If only fire didnt suck so much ass I'd actually have zero complaints :P

Anonymous said...

Still never gonna do a 3s cast in arenas, sry Jesus bolt

Kolenzo said...

They should nerf Jesusbolts damage a bit and make imp frostbolt and fireball affect it so it's more like scorch on crack with a snare and built in dot attached.

That would be sick and probably enough to revive elementalist in pvp. As it is, 3sec is way too long to get off with any sort of consistancy.

phael said...

"They should nerf Jesusbolts damage a bit and make imp frostbolt and fireball affect it so it's more like scorch on crack with a snare and built in dot attached."

This is exactly what i was hoping for aswell, a pvp elementalist's primary nuke. (remebering the glory days of s1 as 30/31 with MSD, god that was awesome)

However, it's looking more like the mage version of Dsac/SnF 1 button faggotry. Oh well :P

Julio said...

