Thursday, July 24, 2008

Halfway to Cap: Up to Level 74

As good a time as any to take a break and post some thoughts...because I'm now clueless where to go and am slightly bored/tired.

I've spent the whole time playing as full frost in s3/s4 gear. I have no PvE gear which prohibits me from playing the other specs to the same extent as I can play frost. No complaints though as Frost is quite powerful and perhaps the best spec for the leveling process. Frost is obviously very strong when it comes to five mans (hi2u shatter), pvping while questing and grinding, and generally just being very good at doing good damage with so-so gear.

That's all pretty generic and obvious and yeah. That's because it sort of is. The frost playstyle is entirely unchanged. Deep Freeze is clumsy and generally unnecessary. Yes, you can extend the end of a nova into even more damage, but rarely is that necessary in PvE.

Deep Freeze is currently the most important talent in frost tree -- it is a failure at this point. On a successful Freeze, you are guaranteed two frostbolts and an Ice Lance. Assuming nobody touches you or interrupts you or you have no casting speed debuffs. It does help in setting up damage if you land it, but it doesn't guarantee it as much as people are claiming.

The problem is, and it's a bit specific, strong players will never get hit by it. I dueled Sonydigital, who was quite easily able to not only pummel my IV+mind quickening poly on the opener, but also spell reflect the IV+mind quickening deep freeze I tossed out soon afterwards. (I anticipated this, but was NOT expecting that I would be deep frozen even though I had no frost root on myself -- this is actually a pretty big deal; I can't wait to see a war reflect this on a mage and see the war's DK or Mage teammate destroy)

Let's face it. Reacting to a 1.5 second cast is pretty easy. Reacting to one when you know it's coming (HEY IM FROZEN BRO) is fucking trivial. The best you can hope for is a frostbite proc and then popping IV and hoping he misses the interrupt. In theory, you can do shit like: IV+Trinket -> Frostbot - > Pet Nova - > Deep Freeze - > Bolt -> Bolt -> Lance. (Shatter Trap)

In practice, you'll never be landing shit like that on top players. They WILL interrupt it. Or dispel your root. Every class can do either. In multiple ways. Good luck with that.

As a five second CC, Deep Freeze's value as a CC isn't amazing high. The only situation where it has any value as a CC is on a nova'd healer or as a way of extending a nova on a melee. Generally, it's not possible to do either and you're going to be using DF for it's damage. (setup)

For this spell to be where it needs to be, I really think DF needs one of the following:

  • Half second cast. No global. This would make it very hard to interrupt and would honestly be perfect. Only with a casting speed debuff and very careful attention could you prevent this. DF would become a flexible offensive and defensive tool but it still is "given away" by needing to root your target first. (Or hope for a Shatter Shield nova or frostbite)
  • Remove the second frozen check. This would mean removing the root effect midcast would not avoid the DF and you would HAVE to interrupt it. I think this is incrementally a reasonable buff, but even with this change, DF's use is somewhat limited.
  • Remove the whole "requires frozen" aspect of the ability. Target takes 30% less damage while frozen. Makes the spell much more defensive.
  • Or make it do a billion dmg instantly and suck your dick and swallow and gargle that shit like it's Scope Winterfresh.

Okay, back to telling baddies they're bad.


Anonymous said...

Haha, I love you.

alexial said...

So uhhh with this winter's grasp talent...

Can you just like spam ice lance continually and win

Anonymous said...

lol even if deepfreeze was amazing, why would u want it over a hybrid elemental spec in wotlK?

Raddy said...

Because frostfire bolt is a 3 second cast that locks both your trees if interrupted and because shallow arcane is amazing making fire+WE seems kinda meh.

Zyz said...

get leaped bro

Anonymous said...

Fire+WE kinda meh?

Good to see you're as terrible as ever, Raddy.

Anonymous said...

0.5s cast Deep Freeze 2nded

Anonymous said...

Obviously you wouldnt cast if your going to be interupted so its a non issue lol and shallow arcane is only good in 2s against like 2 matchups. and zyz < neilyo

Anonymous said...

lol winter's grasp?

Flayy said...

raddy u have baddies in ur comments

Anonymous said...

0/27/44 looks fun with like 50% chance to stun/root on a mellee hit

Anonymous said...

does deep freeze work on winter's grasp?

Raddy said...

Lots of baddies indeed.

Anonymous said...

well does it?

Raddy said...

Yes you can DF a WG'd target.

Anonymous said...

Imp CS is still a crutch
Deep frost is still overpowered
The 16 points before CS are still useless

0/5/66 or die.

shater said...

It should also be mentioned that most classes have talents that counter stuns.

On a Pale Horse
Icebound Fortitude
Beast Within
Master’s Call
Unbreakable Will
Nerves of Steel
Astral Shift
Iron Will
Primal Tenacity

and some others I probably forgot...

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure nova is bugged right now and doesn't break on damage, so that's fun too.

Matt said...

Nova is bugged to not break on damage. Raddy all of your comments seem really focused on 1v1 which is kinda silly. The million dollar question is, does it share DR with kidney shot or cheap shot?

You seriously shouldn't write this off after just a few duels.

Raddy said...

Nova is not bugged. It just has much higher caps on when it breaks. Not really sure if it's unintended or not tbh. It doesn't really feel as imba as it sounds.

Imp CS isn't a crutch. It applies pressure or denies an instant heal of which there will be more.

I agree there are lots of ways of avoiding stuns. It shares DR with all other controllable stuns.

Theorycrafting about current mechanics is kinda pointless. Better off looking at the direction the changes are steering towards.

Raddy said...

It's really impossible to talk about how changes affect arena until the synergies are better understood. (Wait a few weeks for cap to be raised to 80)

Kolenzo said...

[i]Imp CS is still a crutch
Deep frost is still overpowered
The 16 points before CS are still useless

0/5/66 or die.[/i]

36 yard counterspell/poly and +80 resist all is pretty imba compared to the current shit that the first 16 points are. And you still get clearcasting 3/5 (or 5/5 if you don't want to max out magic absorbtion).

Here's hoping this bbcode stuff works.