Love Charmed
A few people have brought up that I've begun to stray from silliness in lieu of writing drivel about what might come to be in WotLK. True. I actually have a work-in-progress article on how I view certain RMP matchups in high detail (think old school dueling guides), but that's going to wait until after TR2 gets going. To be honest, I've never really put much effort into running RMP well; we just kind of zerged people and hoped to win without any coordination, teamwork, or planning. Honestly, you do often win just mindlessly training against a lot of teams as the burst is sometimes ridiculously high. Still, there's a lot more I think you can do.
Yes, WotLK is still in alpha, but let's be real. We'll likely be playing Beta in a month or two's time -- the changes to come aren't likely to be that drastic. Balance is hard to predict, but Beta represents a time when players can have a lot of influence on shaping the game, and I think it's much better to have conversations on this stuff while it's still up for change. The community that trolls this site, GameRiot, EJ, and the WoW R&D boards overlaps a fair amount. Better to emowhine sooner rather than later. =p
WoW on live servers right now is extremely dead. I'm in the same boat as many others who've team hopped all season -- stuck on dead teams. Teams where it would take so many games to balance the PR that it's better to just start anew. Eventually Blizzard will announce S4's start date and there will be a title zerg at the end of the season, but right now, nobody cares to queue. With a new TR coming up next Tuesday, what's the point? ^^
I will be on TR more actively (I hope!) this time although I do have some timing conflicts with my RL schedule. The plan is to actually play instead of mindlessly duel (as stupid esoteric specs) this time too.
Because it still fucking owns:
Raddy V Preview from radikal on Vimeo
Maybe record pooning face in TR2 and publish? I for one like to see big names go down in your vid on the TR.
Agreed duels on tr with some of the best players you meet plox. And do it as 17/0/44, it's what we all use and basically we watch your videos to learn from, might as well do the duels as the spec we are.
Only 33/28 is way more fun than 17/44.
So... mindless (sic) dueling isn't the point of this game? I disagree good sir.
Upload your UI please!
All Three Holes, Your Video.
No doubt, but you pretty much need 17/0/44 for arena.
less wow talk! i love your other randomness - its why your bookmarked! we all know nothings happening in wow.
fire is boring
Can't find Raddy II or I, could you re-link?
Srsly there are so many movies that are just the same trash. Also I can't stomach watching Clazzi *again*.
Can u please say what song it is? Sounds good :D Can't wait for the whole movie :)
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