The sorting hat says that I belong in Gryffindor!

Students of Gryffindor are typically brave, daring, and chivalrous.
Famous members include Harry, Ron, Hermione, Albus Dumbledore (head of Hogwarts), and Minerva McGonagall (head of Gryffindor).

Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those with brave deeds to their name."
Students of Gryffindor are typically brave, daring, and chivalrous.
Famous members include Harry, Ron, Hermione, Albus Dumbledore (head of Hogwarts), and Minerva McGonagall (head of Gryffindor).
Take the most scientific Harry Potter
Quiz ever created.
Ravenclaw was a close second. Slytherin dead last. WILL ALL THE REAL GRYFFS PLEASE STAND UP. (omg that was bad)
I tried it a second time, and it must have bugged out 'cause:
The sorting hat says that I am a Gay Wizard!!

Said Dumbledore, "Flamestrike? More like GAYstrike"
Gay Wizards are normally big fans of dicks, particularly conjured penii. Notable members include
Albis, Vurtne, Affix (Head of the Mage Class), and Pigvomit (Headmistress of Gay Wizards).
Take the most scientific Harry Potter
Quiz ever created.
Gay Wizards are normally big fans of dicks, particularly conjured penii. Notable members include
Albis, Vurtne, Affix (Head of the Mage Class), and Pigvomit (Headmistress of Gay Wizards).
Take the most scientific Harry Potter
Quiz ever created.
First, but obligatory contribution:
Long time reader, etc. More Poker Noir plz, but with more actual poker involved.
Also additional obligatory request for a new video.
By the way, your Alexa-related post inspired me to name my new band Fistful of Dicks.
"Affix (Head of the Mage Class" LMAO
Goddamnit I love you raddy
I'm pretty sure the only accurate part of that quotation is where I called you "faggot"
Who wants to text battle me? I'll melt u.
Step to me and you'll get ripped in half, I don't need to cast spells I'll just use my staff.
I got more skills than every class combined, look for my skill, it ain't hard to find.
And if you call yourself anonymous you know i'm gonna ball, you hidin behind that tag like it's the great wall.
"By the way, your Alexa-related post inspired me to name my new band Fistful of Dicks."
Here's my band name: "Joe Lieberman and the Chronic masturbators."
God I love this blog sometimes. I'm a hufflepuff though. =(
yo you wanna go illex?
| .
Pigvomit is spreading his rainbows all over BG2 again. Gayyyyyy.
Blisters on my hands from the blazin' speed, I conjure in mere seconds all the muffins you need,
And when you're drinking out of combat on that sweet, sweet second tick,
Know that the cream-fillin' came straight from Nestle.
I was gonna take the test but goddamn, 122 questions? Screw that.
A true gryffindor fears no questions
70 Griffindor, 69 Slytherin. <.<
"A true gryffindor fears no questions"
The top 3 feared questions of gryffindor's:
1) Is she prettier than me?
2) Who's Jane?!
3) Can you please turn your head and cough for me?
Man I can't even look at anon's pic. Nothing on the internet is worth trolling. Guess I'll take this quiz...
Yo check one two
So the ball's in my court..Lemme stop and retort.
Your names Dwarfgimli well that's a laugh, I bet you only take showers cuz you'll drown in the bath.
Barrelroll seems like another one of your names, I seen you play starfox and you go down in flames.
In conclusion, my skill's no illusion. I'm the best text rapper that you've ever read, I spit carrion swarm like I was a lord of dread.
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