Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm High Rated So I Must Be Good

Crying is blackmail. Good girlfriends don't cry.

Gamers do. Non-fucking stop.

I really don't. (So I'd be a good girlfriend)

I think you can be successful generally with most classes as most specs if you have good skill, patience, good teammates, and play a lot. Is it fair that some have it easier than others? Dunno. But it's not like you get anything special for being high rated in arenas. A lot of the crowd that reads this site, Gameriot, etc. are players who won't have any trouble at all taking Gladiator basically every season. Will they take the top spot or even be top 10 much of the season? Does it matter? Aside from ego, not really. Everyone ends up with a title, a mount, and a set of gear.

It used to be that if you weren't in a video, you just really didn't matter in WoW. Talk all you wanted but, unless there was proof of your abilities, nobody cared. Accomplishment was measured by the calibre of play in said videos and, even today, the vast majority of the famous WoW players were first made famous through their recorded performances not their ladder achievements. The thing with the ladder is that ladder play, by definition, is full of metagame countercomping, queue dodging, and all varieties of bullshit to game the system to best climb the ladder. A lot of this has zero to do with how well you actually play once inside the arena.

I've never had the slightest interest in the whole gaming-the-ladder aspect of the game. It's not a moral highground thing (And I've obviously done it); it's just that the idea of logging in and not being able to play because there are currently too many countercomps running just drives me fucking crazy. Yeah, playing said countercomps is like bashing your face into the wall sometimes. But logging in to inevitably only tile hop is what really makes face meet keyboard.

For a brief while, rating seemed to become a substitute for videos in establishing rank within the WoW PvP community. This pretty much went to shit once a few high rated players released laughably terribad videos that demonstrated that arena rating was not so different than old school PvP rank when it comes to correlating with skill. It just really fucking doesn't. No matter your rating, you can still suck. Every week I watch a video from a "top" player that is so humiliatingly bad that I think, WoW BG X must suck, but the truth is, I've seen such videos now on every single battlegroup.

There are tons of rants on how WoW PvP videos have died. This isn't one of them. I still love vids. I still have a vision of what I want to do in vids to come, and honestly, if I didn't plan on releasing additional videos, I wouldn't play. That doesn't mean I'm close to releasing anything. Trainable IB really makes all of the old footage I have feel very obsolete, and I've been reticent to FRAPS too much lately with 2.4 on the horizon. I also haven't had teams where I was able to consistently play enough to get much footage, but that's generally an unrelated issue. Arena is difficult to do well in videos. The problem is that people just record randomly and fill videos with clips that don't really show anything. Great you beat so-and-so that game, but half the time, the PoV didn't really do anything. Showing wins is not entertaining. Demonstrating strategy and execution is. If you can't, don't bother.

None of this is terribly new and exciting, but we're coming to a new place in WoW with the upcoming tournament where we'll have a new metric for assessing player skill. Are we going to see clickers and terribads take top spots in the tournament? If we do, what does it really say about the state of the game?


Caide said...


Vaell said...

Wall hopping/jumping doesnt work on test /cry

Anonymous said...

^ cutsmallpenisalt

Raddy said...

Nah, not going to toss the footage, just not sure how to use it yet. It's largely 1vX as baller spec in AB. I've been really busy with RL stuff the past few days, but I'm hoping to get some duels/arena in this weekend and maybe can start working on some new fraps. I keep hoping they'll bring back invis into IB one of these PTR builds as that was honestly one of the coolest things the class had in TBC and really nobody toyed with it much in vids. (Saw it noone's vid, my vid, and maybe like 1-2 other)

Invis between garotte ticks into IB into invis immune blind into r1 mana shield to deny sap is still one of the cooler things in a wow vid. ^^

Still haven't seen an amazing fire vid in tbc yet

zarthustra said...

rofl people still play this game

Anonymous said...

something along those lines yes

magdain said...

15 minute video of counterspelling fel doms plz.

Anonymous said...

I agree that arena ratings aren't a perfect measure of skill...

but if they aren't, what is?

Anonymous said...

A serious post? From my Raddy?

Anonymous said...

Just quit WoW and turn this into a money management/erotic novel blog. You can get your PvP fix from Smash Bros. Brawl.

Anonymous said...

God Damn, the next noir better be epic. :P

alex said...

Don't do arena dude...just play a lot of bgs / duel a lot and have huge ass hard drives that can record it all.

Problem w/ 33/28 is that it isn't great to watch in duels. Seems better as an offspec to make arena more interesting.

That pretty much leaves DB for making a vid that involves dueling I guess. I suppose there's more skill in placing a pyro vs good players than in anything a WE mage does but I don't think it'd be great to watch, could be wrong tho.

BTW: No one seems to use spell reflect to heal w/ sheep for some reason. I can understand it if you don't have a pet, but if you do you can root during sheep. It'd be sweet to work out on shitbags in bgs. There's definitely a long list of baller things you can do, and if you meet every one of them you'll have a disgusting video lol

alex said...

And by dueling a lot...that means not on BDF prolly lol =/

Anonymous said...

Arena will only be truly exciting when blizzard make a licensing deal and puts "Quake 3" in front of it!

I miss when competetive fpses were good

Anonymous said...

Which meta are you going to use in 2.4?

Anonymous said...

I thought cabosco's was good, though id like to see some of your ap pyro 2v2

Anonymous said...

Guess what, when some no name (possibly a clicker,LOL) wins all it means is he is better at what he does than you... This tournament should end excuses. Only thing they don't stop in this tourny is people who use exsessuve mods vs those who don't. When they make online tournys even with LAN ones then we'll see whats good...

Anonymous said...

A lot of mods are disabled on the TTR, which will most likely be adopted by the real tourney as well.

So all in all this tournament should end all debates.

Azazael said...

This tournament won't prove anything because it's going to be so full of win trading, counter comping, running multiple teams at low ratings just so you can counter a higher rated team for 20+ points per game etc.

It's going to be largely based on luck, and who can queue dodge and win trade the most over the last few days to claim "victory".

Anonymous said...

WoW will never be a good PVP game. Things like cast times, HoTs, DoTs, GCDs, pets and abandoning 1v1 balance make a great recipe for a shitty PVP game. Fuck WoW and moar poker.

Raddy said...

I dunno. When some terribad clicker wins the tourney, I'm pretty sure I'll still think I'm better. Winning doesn't cure the badness if it's deep in your soul.

@magdain - I have 3 back to back duels against a terribad destro lock on PTR frapsed where I get like every shadowfury, ALMOST AS GOOD. I have a sick clip where I fireblast then cs the shadowfury and PoM pyro into Nether Protection after staring at the proc for like 1.5 seconds. I love duels where you CS fel dom, and then play like shit afterwards and lose terribly because you feel like you 'won' when you got the CS. OHHH YEAH.

Lex - you're probably right. I think that it's probably confusing watching AP duels a bit cuz sometimes you like play very well so that you'd win with just normal AP burst down ( no crits) but like you crit everything and win and it just looks retarded/lucky. (5k pyro 2800 fireblast silence blastwave ignite tick dead type shit)

As for DB in 2.4, I dunno. Deep fire just always sucked for me. Like fireblast->db->scorch->blastwave is the most /yawn thing ever and does terribad dmg to people in real gear. At least with Imp Blink you can blink->resist deathcoils and shit I dunno. I wish it was a 1 second buff, 100% avoidance. >.<

I'm with you bregor on the tourney -- I think it will still be a lot of fun. I still really only hold players I've played with/against or watched extensively in high regard; tournament with tons of metagame BS not really going to change that.


Anonymous said...

"I thought cabosco's was good, though id like to see some of your ap pyro 2v2"

Hey cabosco hows that self promoting going

Anonymous said...

Lol leave it to Radikal to play easy mode PoM/pyro spec. Learn not to be a scrub to be honest.

Matt said...

I don't really understand how a "terribad clicker" can make it to gladiator rank, maybe these people aren't as bad as you think they are? It's ok to click on a few skills every once in a while, honestly, it's not gonna kill your game. WoW is more about tactics than reflexes.

Matt said...

P.S. /agree with any comments relating to Smash Bros. Brawl being the superior "pvp experience" anyway, for now at least. =p


Raddy said...

"Lol leave it to Radikal to play easy mode PoM/pyro spec. Learn not to be a scrub to be honest."


alex said...

Well AP is still a lot better than WE for sure. Just gotta roll up in some bgs w/ that belt, some nades, a few pots and start ownin bitches. It seems like pulling off like 1v4-5s as 33/28 could be like every bg scene of a vid

When the TTR calms down you could prolly duel good people on there too

You should fuckin make a vid soon tho lol, because all the baller elements of this game are being slowly sucked away, it's just getting easier and easier. No more invis more spell stealing NS / EM / DF etc...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

bad people get gladiator because their teams plays counters and dodging really well, and they're also carried by the less bad people on their team when facing relatively weak opposition. NUHHHHHHH

Anonymous said...

yeah, what he said.

Vontre said...

I suppose that makes sense. Disclaimer: I've never actually watched any of these videos. =p

Raddy said...

Yeah you're def right lex but I gotta wait on 2.4 really to start recording again I think. Still don't have arena teams for 2.4 yet, but I've got some ideas. ^^

Really hoping wotlk beta hits in the next few months -- tbc is soggy crackers

Anonymous said...

Reticent means reluctant to speak. Reluctant would do in this instance.

Anonymous said...

Make a 1vX BG video PLEASE. Arena movies are snoozefests these days, a stylish 1vX BG vid with grenades and all the tricks being pulled out would be ballin.