Anyways, I was even going to get one of those 'SKILL' things like on WCM. Like this shit:

Except mine would have like a naked woman or some dicks instead of that dumb fist. Maybe a fistful of dicks. Or instead, maybe a fistful of...dicks?
But I've decided to scrap that idea. Don't worry -- if you liked it, I'm sure it will turn up on Gameriot in a few weeks anyways.
Truth is, though I was hoping you'd pick me, with fake naked Crysalid and sexy-t-shirt-and-frisbee Dahis floating around, I realized I had no chance. Well, short of doing a "I'm Fucking Matt Damon" ripoff titled "I'm Fucking Ming" and honestly I'm not sure that would be enough, because the whole "I'm Fucking ___" is already on the way out (Thanks Affleck) and, well, there's just no way he'd do it with me.
And so, that leaves us here. Right here actually. You should reread back to that second here. It's the good one. The point I'd like to get to, but somehow have drunkenly rambled around, is that I'll be more frequently updating this site with WoW and non-WoW content in the coming weeks because I rather like words and I think you do too, and if you give us a chance, I think we can have something special between us with those words.
yes pls thx
Ministry's pretty garbage lol but that this song is classic 69style
so many dicks
its friday why am i commenting on your blog
omfg drunk
This blog is bad. Radikal should hire someone to write articles who can at least formulate thoughts semi-coherently.
not gonna lie, this post gave me a boner
So awesome.
Don't blame Radikal for bad blogging. He was born with dicks for fingers and it makes it hard to type on his tiny asian laptop.
the internet, you've won, dude.
come again?
I love the websites you compared yourself to.
aaaaaaaaaaand he is back!
come again? yes please
my dixies chicks.
this is why we love u.
Perfect chaos (not obviously trying to sound complicated like frisbee dahis-kun)
Now no one will take ming's virginity ever!!
More Poker Noir?
-Lastly, don't waste your iceblock on a deathcoil just cuz it looks cool. If you are about to die, and so is the warlock, and you see it as a viable move, sure go ahead and put on your vurtne hair and do it. But doing it just to look cool is pointless. The same goes for pom/pyro's. Most of the time, if you have fire ward and ice barrier on, it won't dent you past 90% hp anyway. Use it when the time is right - nobody cares anymore."
That is mage mantra of the week.
this was retarded
i think you're dumb
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