Saturday, August 18, 2007


It's been 2 weeks since GameOver has last played 5s, and much longer since we've really played much. Now with everyone done with vacations, hopefully Stormstrike will be seeing a lot more of us in the coming weeks. ^^

I've been dueling a lot more than arena-ing the past week and BDF is honestly AMAZING for dueling at this point. There are no shortage of strong players of any spec for any class either in full s2 gladiator or in full t6 or glad/t6 combinations. Here are just some unrelated thoughts on a few various duels I've slightly changed my perspective on:

Enhancement shaman in retarded BT gear - This is obviously pretty easy with pet or if you sheep/rushdown to keep them healing, but it used to be pretty trivial even just r1 kiting out of shock range and fireblasting and CSing heals just enough to keep wearing them down. I like to be able to have a "run them oom" strat against every mana user just because I think that going for the blue bar is a lot more viable than people give credit, and enhance shamans used to be the easiest as even if you made a mistake, you took a few thousand damage and could simply get away and play more aggressive. Now when a mistake can cost you 6-8k damage instantly (as can nova or coc or bolt resists sometimes), it's a lot more fun and I think its weirdly good kiting practice despite enhancement shamans total inability to reliably close the distance.

Resto Shaman in Elemental Gear
- This is pretty interesting, but I haven't dueled anyone on the level of GC with this setup. Basically they play it the same as normal resto, and here are a few quick things on that:
  • Start with Earthshield, after its spellstolen, obviously purge and use WaterShield the rest of the duel. Mage cannot afford to steal it and it prohibits r1 kite to run oom reasonably well. (If you aren't vigilant about WaterShield, gg)
  • Frost mages are honestly pretty lame with WE out in how much damage they can do. Don't lose the duel to stupid spike damage by getting too baller on CS fakes. Try to save NS for the second pet nova which hopefully you can waste by saving an earthshock for the frostbolt cast, but that's not always reliable. If you grounding as you come out of poly, grounding when it's up, your third grounding is up by the time of the pet nova, but using groundings this predictably might not be worth it.
  • Max rank ES and rank 1 Frost Shock. Never frost shock when grounding is on CD and you aren't EXTREMELY close.
  • If getting kited at 30+ yds, don't chase, move away for efficient heals or bandages to force the mage back to you. Keep WaterShield up.
  • The point of late duel r1 kiting is two things: frostbite procs for lances which is very mana efficient damage and stalling for polymorph DR. Letting me r1 kite you for 15 seconds, full DR poly->full bandage, over and over basically means all that mana you spent on max rank shocks has been wasted. You need to be making up for it with WaterShield regen.
  • Searing totem is retarded damage and forces mana to be spent lancing them down.
Resto Shaman in T6 Resto Gear - I find this fight pretty easy at this point and weirdly it is harder to run resto shamans in dmg gear oom than resto shamans in resto gear. If you are vigilant about taking out searings and maintaining range, you just don't take enough damage. I generally will do lots of silly stuff like r1 Mana Shield and r1 Frost Ward in these fights, but you might find smart players will watch your mana bar and realize you're being sneaky with low rank. Some people will spam re-apply EarthShield, you can afford to spam steal it, but as I've said in some previous article, be really careful of Earthshield->grounding to bait you into Spellstealing the grounding totem. (This will get you pissed off quickly)

Mage vs Mage No Pet Duels - These are fun. ^^

Hardcore Defensive Prep Rogues - I'm not saying this is the way to go, but wearing +stealth gear so I can't trinket->fireblast off the sap, and generally playing keep away to go eat over and over is interesting. Vanish and wait out every pet. Never reopen till Cloak is back up. Eat to full on each open. This isn't new or anything, people have tried this as a strat for a long time, and I've always thought it sucked as it seemed to me the rogue was wasting CD while I was just getting full health and mana every time he ran off. It's also risky as it is relies on avoiding petnova to deny vanish and perception. It is fun though and I've had some weird 3 and 4 pet rogue duels with 5 cloaks and a LOT of eating to full. I'm not really sold on this being viable still...


Goretongue said...

Sounds like those rogues are succeeding in annoyance, but I doubt that strat really leads much to victory.

Anonymous said...

cool mini-article rad, isn't this more strategy than general? i'd also love to hear your idea for 80 talent trees as there are so many players suggesting things and you always had a lot to say back in TBC beta

Primo said...

I haven't been duelling much lately, but for the last 20 or so rogue duels my pet has always continued attacking them after vanish, I don't even bother saving my nova for that anymore since this bug? always seems to happen, also when they gouge the pet before vanish. I also think it's kinda cheap / lame of a rogue to play like that especially when you duel somewhere where there's line of sight for them to hide like in arenas. It usually doesn't help them winning though as they still end up wasting their cds faster. Can be nice to summon the pet a bit later when he catches you against a rogue who plays like that to force him to either take the pet damage or let you slip away again.

About the shaman in BT gear, haven't duelled one like that but vs an opponent with low resilience rushdown should be no problem which leaves very few opporturnities for you to screw up opposed to playing the long mana game. He can't really defend himself against rushdown if your spells crit for full, similar to how you find resto shaman in pve gear easier than in pvp gear.

blazeit said...

I'm sorry, but why would a rogue wear +stealth gear when he's already prep and most likely has imp sap for a long range sap along with MOD 5/5 for increased stealth?

If a rogue has prep, then the chances of you seeing him off the sap are basically none unless he has really dropped the ball in terms of spec or maneuvering close to get the sap off

Anonymous said...

If you look at rad's armory, you'll see engi goggles which aren't big but can be enough to see even sub rogues.

Anonymous said...

In regards to the WoM article, what do you in RL?

cathern said...

Unlike Ming, Radikal doesn't talk about RL on his blog, so why he would talk to Ming so he can extol Radikal's "success" on his site is stupid and hypocritical. Keep your real life and WoW separate or you'll regret it.

teki said...

If you guys actually go with that whole "Damn it feels good to be a banker" team, I'll love you forever Rad.

eKS said...


damn it feels good to be a banker

eKS said...

Raddy, make a blog post about IRC and get everyone on it. #bg5 is the place to be! :D

Raddy said...


I'll mention #bg5 in next post.

As per the other comments, I don't really talk about any of that stuff on here.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!