Nerd debate on who has the best hair. (Jaywalker vs OM?) If only Spoh was here to act sexy and read me poems on air.
Next match on stream is Innerfire vs Sk Korea. RMP Mirror. Should be sexy.
Don't you want to run your hands through JW's hair? It looks so soft. o.O
Round 1:
SK Korea dominates all game. Cross kill at the end was close but Koreans, as they always do, deny the trade and avoid the 2v2. (How many 2v2s do you see the Korean teams end up in?) SK Korea up 1-0.
Round 2:
Innerfire gets sap on rogue and full opener on priest, Hyuga, who gets only moderate help from teammates to deny the gib, but survives without dipping much. SK korea gibs rogue while Innerfire tries to tunnelvision priest. (WITH EASE) Two-nil SK.
Innerfire gets massive gib on Jaywalker. Two one, SK. Zero damage from all of SK.
Round 4: (RAPE)
SK fucking RAPES Innerfire's priest, phenom. Brutal as fuck. ^^
Not being able to read English sucks:

And yes, he's still raping Euros and Americans rocking it.
You called it
Black magic on weap ownin dem roguez
dw the trinket is taken care of
HON lost 3-1 to skeu and aAa now
theyre in loser bracket vs SK eu again
HON didn't lose to aAa, they had the same record as SK-eu did at the end of group stages.
I think he's referring to HON losing to aAa in the playoff stages, according to the ESL website.
Yeah aAa beat hon 3-1 in playoffs.
But just been told HON beat sk-eu 3-1 in loser bracket to knock sk out
ok it seems to be the sk.Kr rog.. i am silly.
also, what spec were the korean rogues playing?
All playing shadowdance spec like the above (thats the rogue for HON)
anyone know the name hyuga is using for this? I can't find his armory page. numberone is running mostly hast with almost no hit, seeting if hyuga is running the same gear set up.
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This is the best post I have read this year =D
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