Saturday, November 15, 2008

Twilight Needed More Vamp Lezzing Out

Well, I didn't nerd it up and pick up wotlk opening night. I thought about it, but let's face it, peasants, I had better things to do, such as reading the fourth Twilight book. I really hate Jacob, which is weird considering my love for a less-jacked-and-tall-non-werewolf native american from FH. God, I miss his smooth, tan skin and boyish grin so much right now.

I was going to go pick it up thursday night, but well, Bond movie. Priorities people. It's got sweet Olga whatsername in it too. From sweet sweet, okay awful, Hitman. She looks all spanish-ified in it, which is borderline creepy, but I can deal. So any reunion between me and utter nerdom will have to wait afew days. As I've said many a time, or many times, I probably won't be back to playing until Jan, as I'll be gone most of Dec. (TOKYO HEYO)

My interests have definitely changed over the past few months, and I'm not really sure I'll ever play much again. I don't really expect people to understand or relate, but I spend most of my time on other interests. The financial world craziness is a moderate distraction, but honestly doesn't prohibit my playing -- it's just lack of interest. I mostly miss being stupid with my friends and talking shit to baddies. And coming up with sweet arena team names. And chilling on IRC with my ethugs.

That's really the point isn't it. Nobody was really into arena because it was fun and less nerdy than slaying dargons. It was about thugging pure and simple. While PvErs were theorycrafting DPS rotations and optimizing consumables, we were talking about going balls deep on some sucks. WAY TO LOSE LOCK/PRIEST VS MAGE PRIEST. BAD BAD BADBADBADBAD. PvP was a celebration of other's incompetence and mediocrity. We might all come from different backgrounds. From good countries like the US of Awesome or GodCanada to bad places like Peru or Chingchongchina, but it didn't matter, we came together (ew gross) to expose bads or those terribads carried by semibads or semibads in denial of their secret inner badness. That's what I miss anyways.

In finance, you just don't get to shit on people as hard as you do online, unless they were Lehman or something. You can take their money, fuck their girlfriends and tell them to kill themselves, but it's not as good as calling them BAD. In the real world, you can always get a new job, a new girlfriend, get your wrists stitched back up, but in a video game, if you're truly BAD, you're BAD forever. Practice doesn't fix BAD. Nor do better teammates. Or a better class. Or winning a lot. Or winning tournaments or titles, you're always still BAD. The true ethugs know the BADs when they seem 'em. 

Then there's the fact that the age of finance (read the fin like the fin in shark, baddies) is coming to an end. There used to be tons of message boards and forums dedicated just to discussing what the most prestigious jobs or firms were. Much the same as GameRiot, they were mostly focused on talking shit through comments anonymous on the internets. 

Instead of bragging about ratings, people bragged about league table rankings for their BB or how they were on the "structured products" desk. Faggots every one of them. BB is bulge bracket by the way. The BB used to be Citi, CSFB, Deutsche Bank (pronounced doosh), Goldman, JP, Morgan, and UBS -- however just like with the Ivy's, there was a trinity -- Goldman, Morgan, and Merrill. 

Truth be told, the real "core" baller status firms were Lehman, Morgan, Goldman, Merrill, and Bear. These were the only firms allowed to play at real leverage levels -- everyone else was restricted to a pussy 12 to 1. Well, three out of five of are gone. The other two have been sodomized into becoming commercial banks. I can't wait to open a Goldman checking account. Scrubs.

There will still be money to be made, choice jobs to be had, but the whole culture that built up around it is on the way out. Finance created bottled service, assfucking desperate near-30 suburb girls, eating pizza off naked hookers, and a brand of elitism and deuchery never before seen.

Can our culture survive? What will we do?

Talk to normal girls? Provide some benefit to society instead of leeching from "peasant status" taxpayers who we obsess about being better than?

I don't know. I just want to call baddies bad and tell girls "no ass? thanks i'll pass." What the fuck.


Anonymous said...

holy shi first

Robert said...

This blog is DONE!

^oo^ said...


Anonymous said...

no ass? thanks i'll pass.


Anonymous said...

Loved the blog broseph

Anonymous said...

Hookers VS Normal Girls.

Deep stuff.

Anonymous said...


Raddy said...

so many of you nerds are going to mack fourteen year olds at midnight twilight?

Oh, and, gnome or human?

Anonymous said...

"No ass? Thanks I'll pass." is on all my business cards.

raags said...

female gnome

and what are your new interests

hans said...

Zomg hi Raddy

Craptor said...

You watch the wsop final table at all raddy? Eastgate played well and deserved to win. Pretty ridiculous the economy is in the shitter but people are winning 9 million in a poker game. Holla.

Jason said...

Hooray Raddy day!

Anonymous said...

Finance < mania k?

Raddy said...

not promising anything but been working on mania piece for a while-- though it won't be next, it is in a very diff style... I think

Anonymous said...

mania is shit and tries too hard to not be cliche but with name like bootleg lmfao

Anonymous said...

blogs good bro

Oppo said...

K, fuck it, it's over.

It's over and done.

WoW as an e-sport has went the way of live-strong bracelets and sun visors.

However, all hope is not all lost.

There is still some hardcore gaming spurge being eeked.


Raddy said...

wtb sc2 amirite?

Anonymous said...

You're a nerd Baddy. Kill yourself.

Raddy said...

I'm too thug to ever die

Oppo said...

Fuck SC2.

No scourge? No splurge.

eek-eek-eek (fap fap fap in korean yo)

((Watch me get raped in TLattack gogo))

Anonymous said...

Mr. kal,

please leave thoughts on spit video.

If not viewed yet then please dowload.


binty said...

hookers is whats holding struggling economies
believe it


Raddy said...

spit vid was tight. humans can't gegon blink, it looks dumb. I need model hax for wotlk and a ui. going human for sure though so I can double trinket like a god

Zyz said...

i miss you raddy

Raddy said...

You know I love you zyz.

Just changed my mind-- gnome ftw. Wasted almost a level bleh

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr. kal,

Why the change of race? you seemed so sure of human, like obama sure.


Raddy said...

I shall explain this crazy choice among other things sooooon

Anonymous said...

Lon term put options out of the money on commercial mortage companies GOGOGOGOGO