Friday, August 15, 2008

Backity Back Back Back

Actually, I was back yesterday but was too lazy to post. Vegas was bright and full of stupid people. As per usual. Even more concisely, it was awesome.

I watched a fair amount of Olympics while at the tables. Who the fuck says 'fair amount'? Hmnn.

Oh. The Olympics. So the Chinese brought a 13 year old girl and we're like pissed off about it. Who cares? If you're losing to little kids, isn't that the problem right there? To all you thirteen year old, beautiful, prepubescent Chinese girls, I support you. P.S. I have popsicles in my basement.

Despite being so American that my urine comes out first red then white then blue, I've found myself occasionally cheering for the little countries. I saw this French featherweight boxer totally trash this dance-like-a-OUCHMYFACE southpaw and was shaking my fist for him and everything. TRES BIEN! TRES BIEN FRENCH DUDE, TRES BIEN1! VOULLEZ VOUS COUCHER AVEC MOI CE SOIR? I also cheered for some sweet Belarussian weightlifter until the Chinese refs stole his medal and gave it to one of their countrymen. Who even knew there was a country called Belarus? Apparently, they have a dictator and at least one in three women in their country will fuck you. That second part I might have made up but seriously if you want to get tourists, how can you beat "Our women will probably fuck you" as a slogan?

I also watched some of the Girl's Beach Volleyball. Why is this not the whole Olympics? No offense to you Phelps fanboys, but come fucking on. As in, pick the girls. Not ripple-y shine-y muscle-y Phelps -- a man who rips through the water like it's Astroglide. Or he's Astroglide. No, the water is the Astroglide. Something is Astroglide here. You know what I mean. It's that stuff you use for buttsex. Or so I hear. Sleek and glide-y. Like Mr. Phelps.

The German girls were facing off against the Brazilian team earlier today and to be honest, I have no clue who won or if they were even keeping score. (talking volleyball here not buttsex) I didn't even know the team in Pink was Germany until one of my friends told me that, just because they're butts said Nike, doesn't mean they're from Nike, which let's be fair, is confusing. The Brazilian asses read "Brazil" and, despite the fact that they were kinda scary looking in their 1980s sunglasses, at least they were patriotic enough to show the world that their ass = Brazil.

There's a whole bunch of non-bikini events going on right now that I won't choose over porn, and thus we're at the sad conclusion to my Olympic commentary.


Anonymous said...

Awesome as per uje.

Anonymous said...

Those german girls were crazy hot, do you think that they are requird to wear bikinis?

Anonymous said...

Raddy have you heard the new Jay?

Jockin' Jay-z

nchief said...

yeaaaa the germans and that one norweigan chick.. i didnt even realize there was a game going on

chito said...

Is nchief = ninjachief? You and some priest farmed us in 2s. =(

Anonymous said...

the US and other countries probably have some gymnasts under the age of 16 good enough for their national teams, but its against the rules, why should china be exempt

Anonymous said...

I dont think there should be an age requirement for gymnastics. It should be the BEST from every country.

And Michael Phelps ftw, that guy is a beast

Anonymous said...

Rank1 Blizzard, GONE
Rank1 Frostbolt, GONE
Rank1 Cone of Cold, GONE


Anonymous said...

The best spiral yet.

raags said...

raddy do you listen to girl talk

Raddy said...

Yes, I <3 Girl Talk.

I've been whining about the downranking nerf plenty on the Beta forums.

The pause in Beta coverage is because ,despite all the recent waves of changes, NOTHING fucking works on Beta. All the new talent changes are basically still NYI and it's to the point where it is quite possible that half of them never will be.

harp said...

You're 2300+ on Radikal now in 2s? I thought you weren't doing mage+rogue this season.

lol said...

i'm the pally on the pally/rogue that farmed you guys down. u need to engage more quickly or have ur mage invisibility or it is going to be gg everytime.

Raddy said...

@lol: I'm pretty sure I just need to not die through PS in HoJ two games in a row. >.<

Anonymous said...

raddy - how many 2s teams do u have? are you still playing mage or just priest?

Anonymous said...

Michael Phelps swam out if his mothers vagina in 4.5 seconds which is a new world record. The previous world record was 5 seconds and it was also set by Michael Phelps

Anonymous said...

Its not losing to "little kids" thats the problem, the simple fact is smaller things just sping faster. Its the god damn laws of physics that were fucking us up.

Niiva said...

Headmistress affix got banned for q_qing over downranking nerfs. You have been warned

Chuck said...

I hate Bob Costas. Just thought I should throw that out there.

Anonymous said...

actually eating 12000 calories a day sounds funner

Anonymous said...

we used to have to eat around six to seven thousand calories a day during state wrestling exhibitions. Eating a shit ton of food is fun the first time, but gets old -_-;

Vontre said...

I think the having little girls compete goes against child exploitation rules or whatever I don't know. It could be fairly serious though.

Anonymous said...

paladin/rogue is OP. always has been, always will... in bikinis or not!