Sunday, June 15, 2008

Chicago Noir (IV)

Going outside is always a shock of sorts in Chicago. Normally, it's the cold. Nine months of the year this piece of shit is unlivable. Tonight is fine though. Tonight, the shock is the quiet. The volume differential is always startling even in the cold months, but, normally, you just don't give a fuck's notice due to the goddamn cold.

You look across and down LaSalle. Rock and Roll McDonalds. You've lived here for over two years and have still never been. Not that you're one to eat fast food. Still, it's a landmark. Of sorts. Across from the Mickey D's is that Sports Authority that you always walk by, but have never seen actually open.

Even with the nice weather, the smoking crowd is thin. Actually, that's not entirely accurate. Most of them are quite far from thin. Isn't smoking supposed to keep the weight off? A few large girls are engaged in a conversation with the bouncer at the side door. God only knows about what. Or cares.

You check the back of your hand. You were stamped on the way out. Obviously, there isn't the trust to let people in who claim they've already paid cover. It feels...juvenile. Then again, everything about this world is.

Alpha is perched against a railing twenty feet down the street. His girl from inside, Dragon Girl, is with him. So are two new girls and some random guy. They're having a good time. Loud. Laughing. The body language of both the two new girls express pretty significant interest in your friend. One's got her hand on his arm while she laughs. The other is leaned against the railing next to him awkwardly crossing her hands. They're cute. Both Asian. One quite tall. Five ten maybe. Dragon Girl's height. Every one's smoking. Unfiltereds...

Alpha spots you. Sees the look you're giving him. The what-the-fuck-are-you-doing-idiot look. He grins.

He's got it pretty good.

The crowd turns to you as he flags you down. No choice.

Introductions. You accept a cigarette.

It's clean. Just tobacco.

Alpha beams, "Come on now."

You roll your eyes.

Dragon Girl shoves you lightly, "It's been a while. How ya been?"

"Ya know."

"I know?"

"Yeah, you know."


Alpha's meanwhile diverted the rest of the crowd with a story about him narrowly escaping a fist fight with locals last time he was in Dubai. Leaving out the part where your girlfriend at the time was with him. Asshole. You and Dragon Girl break off a bit from the crowd.

"Hardly." You grin. "Slacking. My friends are here. See, I told you I have friends."

She's playful. "And to think I doubted it. Still, you were sort of loner last time. Besides, I see only one friend."

"Yeah, but there's more. Lots of 'em." You're not really sure where this is going. She came outside with your friend, but, well, she's talking to you.

There's a bit of a silence. You fill it. "Actually, the same guys who gayed me last time and peaced out leaving me stuck with you."

The shorter of the girls and the guy have left Alpha to return inside. Alpha and the taller girl head over towards you. Jessica was the tall one's name. Dragon Girl is still Ava, which you did remember from before, but, she's Dragon Girl tonight.

Alpha does his thing, "We're going to go back inside and be social."

Jessica, to Ava, "Come find me in a bit, okay?"

They vanish off leaving you and Dragon Girl smoking in silence. You point down the road to the McDonalds. "I've never been."

She's a bit spaced out. "Hmn?"

You continue with it. "To the Rock and Roll McDonalds. Two year and I've never been."

"Yeah, same." She says it with strange regret. Perhaps, it's forced. Doesn't matter.

"Want to?"

"Want to go there? To McDonalds? Like now?" You nod. "Now?" You nod. "Fuck it, okay." You're in love. She flicks her cigarette to the street. You do the same. Somewhere Al Gore is crying.

It's one of those moments where you need to close more distance. You should grab her hand and drag her along. Do something to break that touch barrier. You laugh to yourself, kino.

It's too forced though, too soon. You're not the type to be grabby. Fuck those guys. You start walking and she walks along side you. The space between you is charged. You swallow hard. This isn't the time to be shy and noble. You're a douchebag. Never forget it.

After what feels like forever but is no more than 10 steps, you fire, "Well. Talk."

She laughs. "Yeah, okay."

"I'm serious. Watcha been up to? Doing any more shows or anything in Chicago?"

She laughs. "I told you that was my second show. It's still my second show."


She laughs. She does that a lot. Laugh. It's what girls do. They laugh to put guys at ease. They fuck the ones that cause a few of them to be real. And marry the one who keeps the majority genuine.

You decide to be a bit more sympathetic and serious. "So what have you been doing instead?"

The two of you keep walking.

She spoke. You listened. You listened. She spoke.


Gilbert said...

Raddy why in heaven's name are you posting this right now?

I've just finished reading your MLG post and must say Im still exited about the MLG series :D

PK said...

pro :D

TheAmoeba said...

please tell me the story isnt over.

Anonymous said...

glad to see you did more than look up belf porn today

Raddy said...

I liked the crazy trippy plant island in life of pi. Shit was cracked out.

teki said...

Jesus, do you ever sleep?

Anonymous said...

life of pi was great. clean out your mouth you cur

hot girl said...

cmon raddy lets have drug induced vomit-sex like in las vegis.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rock and roll mcdonalds sucks. lasalle street represent.

Anonymous said...

Peeps, cheer him up or CN will just die like PN did.


Raddy said...

omnomnom is win

I didn't stop the Poker Noirs. I just get distracted REALLY easily. ^^

That story ain't over -- this one has I believe 3 more sections. (depending on how I split stuff up obviously)

raags said...

can you tag all of your noir posts as like, noir, so i can link them to my friends without sorting through billions of other posts? wtb search function :(