Sunday, December 30, 2007


Because every other faggot is doing it, here are my fantasy class changes. They're reasonably minor, and are heavily inspired by Inactive's.


Cyclone is now properly classified as a magic effect.

Slightly reduced the coefficient applied to the following spells: Rejuvenation, Lifebloom, and Regrowth.

Natural Perfection is now a physical effect.

Subtlety no longer adds dispel resistance.


Arcane shot's damage is now decreased by 50% when it successfully dispels a magical effect. Arcane shot will now always dispel before dealing damage. (This is probably a buff)

Silencing shot range reduced to 15 yards.

Improved Stings no longer reduces the chance your poisons will be dispelled, but reduces their mana cost by 15/30%.


The healing effect from polymorph has been removed.


Repentance is Trainable. In its position is now Divine Fervor.

NEW TALENT: Divine Fervor - Increases damaging and healing by 20% for 12 seconds after your holy tree is interrupted.

Avenging Wrath now additionally increases healing by 35%.

Stoicism has been changed: Reduces the length of stun and fear effects on the paladin by .5/1 seconds and reduces the damage the paladin receives from damage over time effects by 10/20%.

Holy Wrath and Exorcism damage increased, mana cost reduced.

Holy Shock ranged increased to 30 yards, coefficient slightly increased.


CHANGED: Silent Resolve – Reduces the duration of all fear, polymorph, and silence effects on you by .5/1 seconds.

Mana burn range decreased to 20 yards, mana cost increased, amount of mana drained decreased.

Removed the casting time reduction to Mass Dispel from Focused Power. Focused power will now additionally reduces the mana cost of your Mass Dispel and Dispel Magic abilities by 15/30%.

Pain suppression is now considered physical (and thus cannot be dispelled).


Removed the positional requirement from Mutilate.

Envenom can now consume Wound Poison in addition to Deadly Poison, damage increased.

Wound Poison will no longer be removed by the presence of more powerful healing debuffs.

Shadowstep's 20% damage bonus now lasts 3 seconds instead of applying simply to the next attack.

CHANGED: Vile Poisons - Increases the damage of your poisons and Envenom ability by 10/20%.

CHANGED: Deadened Nerves - Reduces the damage you receive from physical attacks by 2/4/6% and decreases the duration of movement impairing effects on you by 10/20/30%.


Earthshield now has a 30 second cooldown, mana cost significantly decreased. When dispelled, Earthshield heals the target for 150 for each charge remaining on the Earthshield.

Stormstrike now has 5 instead of two charges.

Lightning overload changed to 4/7/10% chance to cast an additional half damage lightning bolt.


Mana Drain and Life Drain range reduced to 20 yards and are now canceled when the target is out of range.

LifeTap no longer instant, but requires a 1.5 second cast.

Dispel resistance removed from Contagion.


Death Wish and Enrage once again stack.

Death Wish increases damage received by 10% instead of 5%.

Health regeneration from Second Wind changed from 5/10% to 3/6%.

Intimidating Shout cooldown reduced to 90 seconds.


Basically, remove all dispel resistance mechanics from the game. Do not try to artificially add this back in with junk buffs -- accept it. It's healthy that the powerful abilities can be dispelled, and indirectly buffs the "weak" offensive dispels, Arcane Shot, Spellsteal, and Devour Magic.

Fix Cyclone. Allow priests to compete with Druids for being hard to CC. Allow Paladins to counter comp warlocks better. Fix Mana Burn. Force locks to open their tree more to pummel, kick, and counterspells. Open up Assasination tree to make it more of a "plate-killer" and less dependent on Imp Kidney zerg Shatter combos.

Reduce range on a few powerful abilities to force evasive classes into the fray. Solve Mage mana issues by removing heal on Poly; poly-bolt-poly-bolt is no longer possible with DR. Punish aggressive Warrior play more heavily, and tweak longevity of Warrior/X combos. Tweak 4DPS zerg potential and leave potent Pain Supression in game.


Anonymous said...

90% chance this gets posted on the mage boards as real.

Pronks said...

(My main is a Rogue) I wouldn't be against removing dispel resistance. I don't think Druids need their heals nerfed, though. It's already easy enough to focus fire through Druid heals. And, for all the bitching, I'm not sure cyclone needs to be dispellable.

Pain suppresion not being dispellable is ok, but in that case I'd like to see a shorter duration and higher % of damage mitigated. Enough time to get a big heal off would be plenty.

I don't think they'll ever remove positional requirement from mutilate. Would probably be OP even with resil.

But why the hell would you buff Warrior damage? I think Warrior burst needs a nerf. I'd be ok with upping their sustained dmg to keep their dps at the same level overall (if they're skilled enough to overcome mobility issues).

Currently it's way too easy for a noob warrior to zip around dropping 5k damage bombs in a few button clicks.

Anyway, you definitely have some good ideas but a few of the things are unrealistic (no heals on poly, no positional requirement on mutilate, 1.5 second cast on lifetap - though I'd love to see it)

Wynna said...

Like the druid changes, good hunter ones too.

The mage change is not viable, I'm sorry, I have a mage myself which I pvp'd with for a long time and even though at that time I had this same dream, right now making polymorph not heal would make mages the new warlocks and would erase 100% of the pvp fire mages, and while that's not saying much since there isn't any pvp fire mages, *officially* leaving the class with only one pvp spec kind of sucks.

The paladin changes I did not like all that much, but I don't know, I have very very little sympathy for them and I think they are just fine right now, nerf druids, don't buff paladins. I do agree with the anti-warlock changes though, but reducing stun time? Giving 20% more healing when interrupted for TWELVE seconds!? What the hell... think about it, this WOULD make them the new druids as well, paladins are fine, the good ones that don't stand in one spot FoL'ing are just so hard to kill, particularly for melee, get a melee on a 18k armor, 400 res target and tell me how that's gonna work out for you. But against teams with double CS I know it can be rough but god forbid some classes to have counters right, I do like the increase on the coefficient from Holy Shock though, wouldn't mind seeing its cooldown reduced either.

Priest changes are very interesting, wouldn't mind seeing 4/7/10% spell warding to free up some points though.

The rogue changes are really solid, would make me forget the AR/Prep nerf in a heartbeat, except it's already really hard to get deadened nerves, so making it 4/7/10% would be more appropriate (hello Spell Warding)and maybe lessen the rogue zergs by sword/WF/bloodlust warriors from 60% to dead through 430 resilience! Would like to see Blind on a 90s cooldown and have them do something kinky with elusiveness.

Pretty good shaman/warlock changes, <3 lifetap.

Warrior stuff is iffy, np with the reduced cd on IS but DW and enrage just cannot stack, period. I think it's pretty obvious and common sense by now that the warriors using plate, with ridiculous mobility through 15s cooldown teleport that also stuns for 3s, incredibly high dmg, you can't possibly want DW and enrage to stack again and if they ever do the dmg increase should be nothing less then 20%.

Good stuff raddy, kisses <3

Anonymous said...

I dont like the play style that would come of that poly change, but it may be less overpowered than people initially think especially with the super short cc durations currently implemented

Raddy said...

I think you perhaps overestimate the poly change and how it hits fire because of the fireball DoT.

I think that removing the heal will mostly help the situation where you know that if you sheep that war off you -- it's going to cost you 5k mana to deal the damage you just healed him again.

Sheep bolt, rinse is simply not that dangerous imo.

Other things:

Consider with mutilate, poisons will be harder to keep up with no vile poisons. So, extra damage + reducing positional requirement might not really be THAT ridiculous.

The new paladin talent is 31 points deep in Ret. 12 seconds after the interrupt is only 6.5 seconds of benefit while they aren't locked -- also consider that a Ret pally isn't super likely to have Conc up, so it's potentially more like 4. It does set up a big heal going into DS if you bubble immediately after the spell lock, which is sort of what I was thinking it would be used to accomplish most the time.

I think paladins would be much softer targets for most teams with the changes honestly - when BoP and BoF can be more easily dispelled, sticking to the paladin will be significantly easier. Plus Divine Shield can be more reliably MD'd. As for the plate thing, I think part of the "melee" solution should be envenom, it just really fucking isn't.

I think Spell Warding is honestly very overpowered and deserves to be 5 talent points. It's pretty much the best in class for those types of talents. (See Frozen Core)

I think I agree that the warrior changes proposed suck -- I can't really figure out exactly how I'd like to change the class to make it feel "right" in arenas. I think the penalty for going on the offensive should be more severe for warriors, but at the same time, I don't think you should be able to zerg damage into a warrior without consequence. The intim shout change is necessary to just put it below the trinket cooldown, as its quite silly that it is such a nonfactor a lot of the time.

Warriors are still far too strong a class simply because they never stop being a threat ever -- rogues run out of CDs, casters run out of mana, warriors operate near full capacity always. =\

Tef said...

Raddy, you really think that mana burn and drain mana should only have a 20 yard range, and that mass dispel shouldn't get that l33t cast-time-reduction?

Isn't that a bit too much of a "fuck you" to priests and locks? How would a holy priest in 5's safely get off a MD/fear combo or get a lucky burn or two off?

My priest is only 58, I think the talented range would only be 24 yards or some shit. Not enough imo.

Zyz said...

You forgot about the other 2 rogue trees raddy :(

magdain said...

Tons of bad changes tbh.

Reducing arcane shots damage involuntarily by 50% on just about every cast is crippling since their only other instant shot costs 7000 mana and breaks soft ccs. Either completely removing dispel from the class or having a seperate shot for dispel with it's own unique cost/cooldown is the only way to go.

Poly change is awful. Damage healer, poly healer. Damage dps, poly dps. Switch ad infinitum until it's impossible for healers to catch up.

Deadened Nerves 30% snare reduction means that instead of a warrior using 50% of his global cooldowns excluding dodges he now has to use 100% to even attempt to halt a rogues sheer control and damage.

Second Wind heals are insignificant outside of dueling and nerfing it is just dumb. The last thing this game needs is more % increases to damage for casters, let alone it being on a warrior who is already vulnerable to them.

The death wish/enrage stacking was kind of lame at the time, but despite some of the people suggesting this I don't really see the point. If warriors have any problems, damage certainly isn't one of them. And even if it were, s3/torch/sh/torch with 2 stacking % multipliers would just be absurd. Since people have actually caught on to sundering, hitting sl locks/priests for 2k non crit when they're well geared would be looooooooolworthy.

You're still baller though if that softens the mighty blow of my e-words.

Evidense said...

Clearly warlocks need huge nerfs, because as you can see from the previous entry, Warlocks are the most represented class in the top teams in every bracket.

Kawklee said...

"seperate shot for dispel with it's own unique cost/cooldown is the only way to go."

arent they putting it on tranq shot?

Anonymous said...

Serious buffs for mage pls

Kolenzo said...

"I dont like the play style that would come of that poly change, but it may be less overpowered than people initially think especially with the super short cc durations currently implemented"

QFT. I haven't thought no heal poly would be overpowered for a long time, but I'm still kinda against it because it would change our classes style of play into something I wouldn't enjoy so much.

paer said...

so what's the justification for the shaman nerf?

Prosbloom225 said...

"Clearly warlocks need huge nerfs, because as you can see from the previous entry, Warlocks are the most represented class in the top teams in every bracket."

Do the math. Overall numbers giving no weight to the different brackets.

warrior 18.63%
warlock 14.1%
Shaman 10.6%
Rogue 5.6%
Priest 14.38%
Paladin 13.44%
Mage 8.72%
Hunter 4.24%
Druid 10.14%

Looks like warriors and priests are more played than locks.

Anonymous said...

how about some sort of pain suppression for spriests?

imo spriest are extremely weak atm

Anonymous said...

Agree, spriests are in dire need of some more survivability =p

Anonymous said...

LOL, neal fell from my chair laughing.

Basically, make sure everyting is dispelled and most annoying abilities against mage should be limited by distance.Since mage have no problem kitting they can stay out of range of the dangerous abilties. And for icing on the cake, hey nerf warlocks more and druids, they are giving me trouble. and BTW since warlock have not much in survival, just make them even worse by ensuring that should they lifetap, they stay still and cast...

lol. winner if 2007!

Anonymous said...

I dont really understand how anyone could logically defend warlocks not getting a nerf. Could someone explain to me why people dont want the most annoying class in the game to take a hit?

Anonymous said...

besides a warlock ^^

icicles said...

poly w/o heal makes ap fire viable. trust.

ive said...

"and BTW since warlock have not much in survival"

kill yourself

Anonymous said...

Arcane shot nerf will make a lot a hunters want to spec out of the dispel altogether as their damage drops dispelling whatever cheap buff (unending breath, etc) is kept up.

The lock nerfs are too much, channeled spells should be instacast as a rule. Only change the breaking of channelled on LOS... big coding challenge to bliz but they need to do it.

The mana burn nerfs are too much... put a 8s cooldown on it to prevent burn spam.

Pally buffs look good against locs, Pallys should be feared pet killers for locs.

Speed of heal on sheep should be toned way down, it should be a draw on icebolt cast time vs healing.

Cyclone dispellable is at most the only nerf droods need anything else is overkill, they probably need a cast time reduce to make up for it tbh...

good post, your justification should be part of it instead of a comment

I hate the idea of lowering the skillcap on rogues, they are a top skill class

affix said...

life tap idea is really good

Daedae said...

Good changes overall, like the Deadened nerves change as a rogue. Might make living without ShS or imp sprint a hell of a lot more manageable. Wound poison + envenom is something the rogue community used to push pretty heavily. That idea has since lost steam since devs don't oft frequent the rogue forums. I would wet my pants if it went through.

Priest flat reduction of CC by 1sec hurts stuns the most since they eat a bigger % compared to sheep/fear. Add in a flat % reduction instead of a flat constant value to reflect that.

Anonymous said...

"I dont really understand how anyone could logically defend warlocks not getting a nerf. Could someone explain to me why people dont want the most annoying class in the game to take a hit?"

Well it's like those people who defend A-bombs.

Dwarfgimli said...

you and your fixes, p.s. 1v1 me in wsg :(

Haplos said...

Only problem I see with the ability to dispel cyclone comes in 5vs5 where having 2 defensive dispels right now is so important

Though you don't see many druid teams in 5vs5, I think you're just making them that much less viable in that bracket XD

Anonymous said...

nice post. but rly, 2007 called and... they want their blog back.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the spirit of your changes to make things less RNG with regards to dispels.

However, with regards to hunters i'd actually go in the opposite direction. Make the imp stings talent make the stings undispellable (and make the effect so that it doesn't create problems dispelling other poisons). This actually fixes a second problem, hunters complete dependency on a piss poor pet (scorpid) to protect their precious stings.

I don't agree with the forcing evasive classes to try and mix it up bit either. The reason, many of those classes are evasive is that if they are put in melee range, they lose an insane amount of their effectiveness. What's the point of being a hunter if you have to run 20 yards closer to get in range to use your best anti-magic CC. You might as well set the hunter's base range to 15 yards at that point. In that same vein, set CS range to 15 yards as well. I can sorta live with changing mana burn to 20 yards, but then its really hard to get in burns during fears cause people have a tendency to run really far out of range during a fear. In the 3.5s into a fear (1.5s GCD, 2s cast time), people can run pretty freaking far especially since during fears, people run probably 20% faster. I'm sometimes surprised the distance people can cover in such short time.

Anonymous said...

drain spamming should not only be ineffective but it should be difficult. get some higher standards people, especially warlocks, do you really want your class to permanently degenerate into what it is now?

Oppo said...

Put arcane shot dispel on tranq.

End drains the second they leave maxrange.

put wound on envenom and take mut of positional reqs.

make cyclone dispellable, remove mana regen from druid forms that don't use mana as a function (regen in bear / cat)

make PS undispellable, slightly increase dmg reduction, decrease duration.

remove heal from poly, give mages mana drain instead of locks.
Give locks a decurse and give mages a (defensive) magic dispel.

give warriors giant 3-handed weapons, increase enrage damage bonus to 75%. Remove rage cost from all warrior abilities. Introduce a new armor: Quantum-crystalline, and make it trainable for warriors.

alexial said...

lol dwarfgimli x_x that wasn't Raddy in WSG yesterday that was me on his char =O

Raddy said...

Dyslexial ftw

Anonymous said...

you're on the right track with the stun/fear resist talents, but its much simpler than this
you just have to do the same thing they did to interrupt resist talents and change all stun resist talents, ork racial and the meta to a lessened duration, instead of a resist
its obvious that stunresists are as gamebreaking as cs resists and it just has to happen

Anonymous said...

So.... if cyclone becomes dispellable can its duration be increased to be the same as fear / poly?

Some really dumb changes. Resto druids are NOT going to be nerfed. They are good in 2s, goodin 3s, and HORRIBLE at 5s. Look at the statistics. Supposedly 5s is the balanced bracket... so if anything give them some survivability buffs so they can heal with people on them (like a priest or paladin)

Anonymous said...

can you please throw a frostbolt pushback protection talent change up there ... WE NEED IT BAD

Anonymous said...

Raddy, your site is like my bible. <3

Could you please post your UI again sometime?

Anonymous said...

Make imp sprint non talented and swap ghostly strikes and prep around in the sub tree and all will be fixed.