Sunday, October 14, 2007

Farewell My Loves

Well, it's time for me to make like a prom dress and leave. I've had an amazing time working on this site the past few months, made some eFriends, met some eThugs, learned a lot, but it's time to move on to some other things. I have some other writing I'd like to do and this just doesn't quite feel like the right venue. Alternately discussing strategy and making the same jokes about WoW is pretty tempting, but I think most of us are all bored with what we have here. Best of luck to everyone who's been here for the ride. I can't thank you enough for listening to my sillyness for the past few months. I'll probably have one last update, and then (like that) I'll be gone.

- raddy


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Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


You were the best blogger!

Thank you raddy

Anonymous said...

"and then (like that) I'll be gone."

keyser soze?

Unknown said...

Nooooooo :(

/me hopes he is teasing

Anonymous said...

Are you quitting just the blog or WoW also? Sorry i'm slow and stoopid ya cutie!

Anonymous said...

I'll miss your writing. Thanks for the great memories.

Anonymous said...

Bye rad. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

i hope that "just" someone hacked his blogger account oO

Anonymous said...

Sad face

Anonymous said...

Love the keyser soze reference. Keep in touch and let me know when you're next in Vegas. Your writing is fantastic no matter what the haters say.

Anonymous said...

Bah, always enjoyed ur style of blogging, new and old. Sad to see you go, do whatever makes you happy though!

But you only quit bloggin, not WoW, right? Just so i get it the right way :>

Anonymous said...

with dahis gone and you gone I have no blogs to check every day :(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good, the less bad players we have posting useless crap, the better.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I luv u Raddy..

Anonymous said...

Pretty much what Oppo said. But thanks for the laughs and the other jibber jabber.

Stay classy Raddy.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss you. Thanks for the laughs.

Anonymous said...

one more mage goes down... yay!

Anonymous said...

You're not Ming, nor should you want to be. Post at your own leisure. Don't make this stressful. If you miss a day or two or even three, so be it. Unless you are quitting WoW we are demanding your commentary on the game. You are blessed with skill and insight (though now always perfect, (cough, "ice lance sucks") but no one is perfect. :)

So stick around and stop making this stressful on yourself for no reason!!

Anonymous said...



I love you and your blog. You kept me entertained at all hours of the night. That and your HANDSOME toon.


Tich - BG9

Anonymous said...

You're not going to tell the story?

Anonymous said...

No point in WoW anymore

Idgit said...

I mean...uh...later and good luck.

Anonymous said...

I loved this blog so much. Bye rad.

Anonymous said...

I love you, Rad. :[

Spam guild chat occasionally, or I'm gonna be totally upset.

Anonymous said...

Ill be sad to see you go. I really enjoy your blog, and I wish i had known about it for longer. Maybe you should be like a guest star on ming's blog and just write a couple times a month, because iam sure everyone here would prefer some Raddy to none.

anddd what about the movieeeee?

Anonymous said...

LoLz april 1st is in like several months, bad post tbh :(

Anonymous said...

I'm excited for the new site.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye raddy

Jason said...


Anonymous said...

I have no reason to live anymore tbh.

Anonymous said...


Now I'll have no decent blog to read :( :( :( :( :( :(

Keep posting occasionally imo, it doesn't matter how stupid or infrequent it is. Ignore the haters.

Kirby said...

You better still post your occasional vids here.

Anonymous said...

Raddy i havnt posted here before, but i have read every single post you made, as well as read every single comment. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading every post, sometimes multiple times (unleash the fury, peaches and many other gems). During my brief stint as BooLexial your advice from this blog and in game really imo made me perform as a decent mage in arenas. Just wanted to say that i have an e crush on you and to give you mad props for this site and baller is now a fluent part of my vocabulary. Thanks for A+ entertainment for the past months.

-Dota Booling

Anonymous said...

Raddy leaves: The blog community cries out in pain.

Ming leaves?


Anonymous said...

So sad. =/

Will second the comment about Raddy + Dahis being the only worthwhile blogs to read anymore. RIP blogging. =*(

Anonymous said...

The end of an era.

Unknown said...

But but raddy-san, who will defend the mage community now and forever?


Anonymous said...

I had you bookmarked ON MY IPHONE. I read every single blog you've written in the last few months in class.

I'd suggest that you keep blogging if you are looking to keep writing. If you stop blogging you lose diligence and chops. Its hard to quantify because its such a vague thing but more writing = more practice = better writing.

At least that's what its like for me. Same goes for songwriting as well, as a side note.

Oleg Prylypko said...

ciao and good luck!

Will live this blog in my rss just to know when you are back. Hope to see you after next big patch.

Anonymous said...

Damnit.. this is the 1st blog i read every day when i come into work, this means i gotta start DOING work 10mins earlier!


ps. if you stop blogging the "sexy time" pix of you, the midget and teh suitcase are coming out all over the forums.

Anonymous said...

most enjoyable blog in wow to read, good crap talking strat guides when u did them were solid.

gl in what ever u do

Anonymous said...

raddy your wow blog was the only one worth reading, your one hella funny guy.

peace and good luck in what ever you do.

Anonymous said...

looking forward to the new site Rad'..

Oh, and hurry up with the movie will ya?!

Anonymous said...

already miss you(

Anonymous said...

I'll miss you a lot. This site was really special.

Anonymous said...


I love you

-Dervel BG9

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laughs. Let everyone know what you do next.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure with the wording he used he's just moving his blog off blogspot.

Anonymous said...

Don't do this Raddy, you're an e-Hero ffs :(

The best blog I ever read,

Anonymous said...

WTF. Raddy, i didnt respond immediatly because i was speechless and couldnt think of any proper analogy to equate the feeling of loss and depression this news has left me with. But basically it was like pure love at first, everything was perfect. every new post had me sitting in the edge of my seat doing little golf claps and pulling the peeling skin from my chapped lips in nervous anticipation.

it reminded me of my first girlfriend, i was 19 years old, skinny, pale, no one really liked me because i kind of smelled like old urine and everytime someone would show a remote interest in me i would get very nervous and blurt out weird sentences like "if my house was on fire and i had a picture of you it would be the first and only thing id try to save before getting out"

backtracking and just to clarify, when i say girlfriend i mean a girl thats a friend, and by that i mean a neighbor. and when i say we were in love i mean i was in love with her and she barely knew who i was, because i had just graduated highschool (it took me an extra year) and she was just going into 6th grade. and then her dad got a fucking promotion and they moved to georgia and i never saw her (like that) again.

Anonymous said...

/sucks raddy's ecock

dont go =/

Anonymous said...

the video! where's the video?!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Don't go, Raddy! :'(

Dajay said...

emo ²

Anonymous said...

I thought we'd grow old together...

Anonymous said...

rofl radikal i mean what your blog was good when you were still theorycrafting 1337 mage plays but it started to suck bad after u tried all kinds of new vocabulary and new style akin to satire and all i can say is that that sucked so bad it made u look like a big attention seeking freak (which you are) so wadeva you know your blog sucks and for the record ure a good mage BUT way overrated but at least less overrated than the big fat noob affix carried by secretive all the way.

so yea gg man glhf

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Raddy i havnt posted here before, but i have read every single post you made, as well as read every single comment. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading every post, sometimes multiple times (unleash the fury, peaches and many other gems). During my brief stint as BooLexial your advice from this blog and in game really imo made me perform as a decent mage in arenas. Just wanted to say that i have an e crush on you and to give you mad props for this site and baller is now a fluent part of my vocabulary. Thanks for A+ entertainment for the past months.

-Dota Booling"

Pretty much what Booling said. Haven't talked to you in a long time but i've been reading everything here since you made this blog. Thanks and good luck with whatever you move on to.


Anonymous said...

This had better mean a venue change Raddy! :<



Anonymous said...

Radi, what am I supposed to read on my lunch breaks now? Why don't you care about us anymore!

This site was the last blog I cared to check anymore. It will suck not to have your ravings and POV to catch up on anymore.

Please reconsider!

Anonymous said...

This was just the best blog that has ever existed but u gotta understand his position, i quited WoW arround 1-2 weeks ago because of lack of originality in this game. It all resumes in : i miss lvl 60 so god damn much when every1 adapted theyre style of play, not just copying others and discussing thigz like "that combo is better! no that one is better". Seems exitec was so right afterall

Anyway, my best regard raddy :) when i`ll look back to wow days u will be one of the names that will always flash my mind <3

Anonymous said...

Guys he's just moving his blog to somewhere else.. just watch..

Maradus said...

See you on, Raddy.
Maybe there you can make some cash.

No, wait, maybe Ming wants another author he can pay for filling his blog.

Anonymous said...

From now on when I cry and touch myself at night my thoughts will be on you.

Anonymous said...


Wreck said...

So if this is for real for reals do you plan to keep the blog up or take it down? Your insight on mage pvp is super useful and really shaped the way I play today. If you plan on taking down the site at all could you please let me know because I would like to make a back up of your work so it can be shared with others on the internetz in the future.

Thank You,

Anonymous said...

awww =( will miss your blogs.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

working for ming?

farewell rad

Anonymous said...

T_T don't say it is so... this blog is hilarious and sometimes surprisingly insightful

Anonymous said...

Ahhh yes much like Shaqille O'Neal-san with highest slugging pct. leaving the Mighty Ducks mid season to join the Miami Dolphins so too does our intrepid Raddy (best mage in the universe) abandon humanity whilst on the verge of greatness. Who will now step forward and be the hero-san defender-san of the mage (-san) class ?

Anonymous said...

I found raddy's new blog. if this isn't raddy it's his twin fucking brother or something.

triple-click the link to copy it

radikal said...

Thanks for the <3. ^^

Illexiyel said...

Whatup 2 Ops + Dota Booling. Sorry I murdered BooLexial :< but she had to die sometime.

Unknown said...

Are you still going to be playing? :<

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he really liked Fury after all.

Anonymous said...

Farewell label TT

Anonymous said...

Loved this site rad. Good luck bro.

Anonymous said...

Some of the most clever, entertaining writing I've read anywhere. Best wishes radi-cool.

Anonymous said...

Yo Alex its cool man, i prolly wasnt gonna re new the account again anyways. im at school again and dont have time to play, nor did i really even care. only thing i enjoyed was 3s and 5s. and the ppl i played with where hardly on.

-Dota Bool

Anonymous said...

/me will never forget you raddy

Anonymous said...

Dont go raddy, noooo

Anonymous said...

Raddy, dunno what to say, been playing with you since level 58 with blues "of frost damage." I had a crazy time playing with you all this time, I hope that we can both come back to the game when its worth playing. All the tough arena nights, millions of wipes to some random boss (pre-BC of course), all the stupid sillyness that went down every second on vent, its been a blast man ^^ stay in touch

-rahv/odd/retired :(

Anonymous said...

good for you raddy (no sarcasm!)

if you do start writing other things, be sure to link them here, i'm sure a lot of people will keep reading. you have one thing ming didn't, and thats a sense of humor. nobody wants to read about rogue specs and who the best bg9 team is day after day.

other than that, its been fun playin against ya from time to time. stop by #bg5 every once in a while and say hi.

peace out baller

Anonymous said...

You were the baller of WoW. I'll be pouring out a thunderbrew stout for you, man.

Anonymous said...

Good luck in your future endeavors! You'll always have a fan in me.

She's hot too.

:/ Write again soon O_@

Anonymous said...

Hi radi,
like many others say it, i went every day since a long time here.
me and many friends were really happy to read your blog.
We are french people, you know? millenium lamer country! ;)

(i'm not a millenium)

We miss you radi, you can't imagine how many fan boy you have over the sea.
Hope the best for you in the future.
Thx for the last trailer, hope to see the complete vidéo soon.

thanks again radi.
Bad day today.


Anonymous said...

now THAT sounds gay, although they're right..

Unknown said...

Wow, I'm geniunely dissappointed to hear^H^H^H^H read that. I only found your site about 2 months ago but somehow managed to read every post during my extremely busy work schedule...

I hope you continue writing when you find another topic worth devoting your time/effort to. Not only were your articles full of useful info and tips, but you have a great style that is (was...) very enjoyable to read.

Good luck in whatever you tackle next!

Anonymous said...

I know you loved to write here and you can tell in your posts how much fun you had writing them. Bring that to your next thing.

Anonymous said...

Where can I download a full version of the newest video?

Anonymous said...

Damn, too many long time players leaving the game. Rahv, Cakes and now Radi?

Whatever will we do without the Gay Fire Clown??

Sadly, I'll probably still be here when you guys get back. It was a fun few years with you guys.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

whats the new glove bonus for mages? i cant see mmo-champion or worldofraids at work

Anonymous said...

50% chance to avoid interrutption on poly

Anonymous said...

I'll certainly miss your sense of humor, but I can't blame you for stopping... I'm sure it's a ton of work.

You should still post your video once you get it uploaded.

Anyway, thanks for all the entertainment you gave us all, and good luck with whatever you do next!

- Fan Boy #4129384530

Anonymous said...

You've made a difference and will be missed. Best of luck

Anonymous said...

It's been fun homie, from 2 shotting each other back in the day in WSG when I was playing my shaman to PvPing w/ you on my lock it's been a blast.

I'll miss you and your blog =[

Peace out man..


Illexiyel said...

I wish you were not dead on IRC :(

Illexiyel said...

*If that is you that is x_x since it has Dep in the address name, dunno what that's about.

Anonymous said...

Bye raddy. Take it easy and dont worry about spending hours blogging everday move on with your life.

Anonymous said...

This was always my favorite after the old shadow gaming.

Anonymous said...

Terribly overrated and almost always not funny. Won't miss it at all.

Anonymous said...

@ Birdemani

Pancakes left?

I thought he *cough* got his account back and became flapjacks?

Anonymous said...

vid plx?

Anonymous said...

Never liked you anyways. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

^ lol

Will miss you Rad :<

Anonymous said...

So the post says your quitting blogging but bird and bregor and posting that youre done playing all together. Rad, wtf bro. come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

you know you'll be back - just play casually and pick up gear at a slower pace. Mages are like the caster version of rogues - obviously locks and warriors are better classes for arenas. If you play with your friends and not worry about being the top rated motherfucker in all 3 brackets, and can just enjoy the fact that you are the best player in your gimped class you'll probably have a lot of fun.

and i wont have to worry about what youre doing, who you;re going out with, if you're drunk and cheating on me.

posting as anonymous - anonymously.

Anonymous said...

noooo... :(

Anonymous said...

Like do you know the cost of AKs up in Africa? 20$ ain't shit to you, but that's how much they cost.

Anonymous said...

You make a good point.


check out the last line under "Technical Aspects"

Anonymous said...


Say it isnt so. You are one of the few sources of entertainment I have access to at work. QQ. Take a break, dive into alot of pink, you will be refreshed and ready for more blogging.

Unknown said...

"But thanks for the laughs and the other jibber jabber."

Is it more jibber or jabber?

Anonymous said...

No :(

Anonymous said...

Thx for the memories here and on BB.

Click said...

Quit the game or just the blog? I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND. Deuce

Anonymous said...

I still remember you screaming "I ch0wn you" like an idiot for hours. Sad that RL has claimed another of my old buddies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, don't stop blogging. Your blog is the only thing that's kept me even remotely sane for the last three months, and I've still got another three to go... (Finnish army ftw)

Lub ya <3

Anonymous said...



Illexiyel said...

135 comments...every time some motherfucker visits this site they gotta look at "Chill @: #fhpvp :: gamesurge." But yet IRC is so very lonely...

I dropped out of law school and told my gf that I wasn't gonna let her keep the baby because I wanted to focus 100% on my IRC career. I'm almost starting to regret this decision...almost.

radikal said...

I love you lex xoxo

Anonymous said...

Raddy, do what me and my friend did: reroll for 2.3, we're doing baller specs of Ret Pally and he's a Moonkin, it's hilarious to see him own mages with moonfire, lifebloom, and LOS. It's a lotta fun to have double plate guys who are also healers with magic dps and huge utility.

Anonymous said...

continue your blog puhlease.. after actually reading ming's serennia blog and comments I'd like to have a blog that is filled with information and doesnt take itself too serious.

Waaa Waaa I didnt duel you in nagrand waaa waaa I recorded it waaa waaa I didnt duel you in nagrand in THAT spec waaa waaa.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just reroll a diff class, no reason to quit a game you seemed to enjoy so much

Anonymous said...


-Exist @ Kel'Thuzad

Anonymous said...

To repeat what everyone else said...

Dear god please come back and save us from ming.

You can just post by mashing your head against the keyboard (kinda like playing frost before lance got nerfed) and we'll be happy.

Just post something, anything.

Anonymous said...

Still coming back, looking for an update, a post in the comments, a phone number to reach you at, an addresss to meet you at. something... anything... radiiiii come back to me i cant deal with the lonliness anymoaaaaar.

Anonymous said...

someone start a petition for raddy to come back

they have to listen to those things

right? guys?
raddy? :(

Anonymous said...


miss your writings raddy :(

Kirby said...


Come back already!

Illexiyel said...

So who's the Ratigan Depz?

Because I'll be Olivia Flaversham if you'll be Basil...

Anonymous said...

still checking daily, nothing dammit man!!!

my wrists are pretty much gone by now

Anonymous said...

ok I've tried to live without your blog but it's just not working. I'll rather kill myself!

Anonymous said...

this is all a trick right
like we'll all do that "I wish Raddy had never been born!" thing and then an angel comes up to us and says "Really? Let me show you what it would be like..." and then we realize that we really, really, really need you oh please god Raddy don't do this to us please

we'll do anything

Anonymous said...

ming is looking for good mages @ PTR, show him what ur made of, and RECORD IT for gods sake...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well fine if you don't want to write anymore then don't, not like anybody cared for what you wrote or found you remotely funny.

(thought I'd give reverse psychology a shot)

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

We want you to stop being a bitch and come back to WoW. Mages suck for now but you just have to ride it out. Do a couple meatspins and put the scissors away.

Your blog is uniquely excellent in its ability to satisfy our needs for humor and strategy. There's no reason to stop now. We need you, we love you, etc etc. So, for every scrub that learned how to kiss from Raddy, for every fan anxiously watching Raddy's movie preview over and over, and for everyone who specced 38/23--we ask you, Radikal, please, come back.

Things will be different this time. We won't post any tldr's or complain about you not writing enough strategy articles. We'll thoughtfully challenge your dueling guides and offer our own alternative approaches. We'll suck your epeen--not for the taste. Nor for the texture; but for the qcf+fierce that only you can provide.

Raddy, come back.

Your compadres in balling

Anonymous said...

^ what he said :D

Anonymous said...

Radikal is the hot-chick-that-goes-out-with-you-that-can-deepthroat-and-does-anal-and-then-breaks-up-with-you-a-week-later-of-blogging.

you were too good to be true, now the rest of our lives are ruined. its only fat chicks and small asian men now. everything i ever read from now on will be a hopeless aspiration, a testament to the idea that one man can write so perfectly that all others pale in comparison. If you wernt so good, we wouldnt know how bad everyone else was. Thanks a lot for the laughs, but fuck you for the ensuing cynicism and jadedness.

Anonymous said...

On a Lighter Note, Part 2
A lot of people have expressed their interest in reading some more "pissing in cups" type stories, so if popular, i'll be adding in a "On a lighter Note" Section to a lot of upcoming articles to give you a view on "adventures of real life". Trust me, I've got an arsenal of these stories, so if you want to read them, i'll write em, you don't like it, I won't write it. Plus, I know I could use a break talking about WoW, so for now, I present to you, "Sargeing" 101.

Sargeing, 101

Alcohol is fun. Who would ever disagree? It's easily right up there with spraying piss out your window, soon realizing you could have pulled over, pissed in the cup, and then dumped it out while not moving at 80mph. Who woulda thought?

This past Saturday was pretty much right up there with my usual personal endeavors towards a successful social life. Friends, alcohol, women and music- what more could you ask for?

The evening started around 9 PM with a little pre-gaming at my friends apartment downtown: Jack and Coke...with a lot more emphasis on the Jack. Ice? **** ice, all it does is bring you that much closer to a Vagina and believe me, dressing up for clubs is as close to sprouting beef-curtains as you'll ever want to be.

Around 10:30 we cabbed it up and headed over to Vision, one of the biggest clubs in Chicago.

Now, before I go on, let me tell you one thing. Going anywhere with my "crew" is ******* business. Check your "I've had enough's" and "I need to sober up" at the door along with your liver, you won't need any of them here.

Now that that's established, there's a couple of things that you, the reader, need to understand before I continue this story. Let me introduce to you the patented, "Booze Face". (No, i'm not in these pictures, don't ask)

Basically, what the Booze Face is, is a code of honor that will always prevent you from ever turning down a drink, or letting the alcohol devil (anxiety, fear of puking, gag reflex, Etc.) from ever preventing you from depicting you high levels of testosterone to all in this manliest of all man-acts. Basically, you make a lot of grunting noises to establish your dominance over those around you, make the most ridiculous looking mug-shot possible, and chug down whatever drink you have, be it a shot, a double shot, or a can of beer, like you mean ******* business.

The man on the left is showing proper Booze Face, where as the middle and right are severely underwhelming (disgrace).

Proper Booze Face

Now, Booze Facing also has a proper stance. There is no weak posture, laxidasical composure, or weak attitudes allowed. This is Raw. There is none capable of competing in levels of ****-measuring with you in this entire building, and you must make that clear. Proper Booze Face stance is shown below.

Booze Face Stance

Proper Booze face Etiquette is a must, and is a very quick way to get heavily intoxicated- the exact origins of these stories.

Anyway, after entering the club, and proceeding straight to the lower floor bar, I quickly found myself Booze Facing a Four Horseman, Triple shot of Bookers, a liquid cocaine, and a couple shots of Jameson within the first hour of being there. Needless to say, I was in for an exciting night.

Soon after, In my drunken stupor, I felt it was entirely necessary to express my undieing appreciation for each of my fellow drinkers. This is my trademark. Turn your back and i'll hit you like a swift kick to the nuts. Not only do I make a round of "love" between all of my friends every 15 minutes simply because i've forgotten that I've expressed my feelings 4 times already, but I make sure to do it at the most inopportune time.

About to number-closer on the hottest chick in the club? **** that. Here I come, words-a-slurring, I love you man. I really love you. You might not understand, but you will, someday. ****.

Typically I follow this with a hasty retreat to leave you and your new friend submersed in new world of awkward silence.

Anyway, after thoroughly expressing my appreciation, I found myself at a borderline black-out level, trying to pretend like I wasn't completely inebriated at a cocktail table by the upstairs bar. Cigarette and drink in hand, I vaguely recall trying to maintain the best composure I could, as getting kicked out was in my near future. Unfortunately for me, the next drag on my cigarette would change the whole night around.

If you're ever familiar with smoking while drinking, occasionally, yet usually at the worst time, you might find that Mr. Gag Reflex has just made your acquaintance. Well, luckily for me, a firm handshake was inadequate. He had much more in store for me.

I quickly find myself holding back my dinner as much as physically possible. As panic ensues, I think to myself,

This is bad, I'm already some weird ****** sitting alone at a cocktail table while my friends are dancing, do I really need to puke on top of that?

Well, needless to say, my body said enough was enough, and up came various chunks of beef mixed with alcohol. Luckily, I managed to only puke on part of my body, and instead of all ralphing all over my shirt, I managed to just barely graze my pant leg. I did the first thing that any logical minded person would do in this situation; I wipe it off with my hand. Great.

After regaining my composure, I looked around to see if anyone had noticed, again, as if sitting alone wasn't strange enough. Luckily, and to my immediate relief, standing over at the bar was probably 4 of the hottest females in the entire club, and low and behold, they were staring at me with probably the sickest looking faces I've seen in a while.

Instinctively, I walked over and tried to remedy this already terrible situation.

The first thing that came out of my paniced mouth was golden. Take notes people.

"I had a Burrito for dinner."

Needless to say, it didn't go over so well, but that was just the beginning.

As I opened my mouth to try to break the newly found awkward silence, lady luck decided to visit again, and I gave the floor seconds of my beef and alcohol delicacy. As it impacted the floor, bit's of shredded beef flew onto the feet of the newly approached women. It was then that I realized something.

**** ugg boots.

Anonymous said...

^^^^You see what some poor souls might be reduced to reading in your absence???? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS.

Anonymous said...

wait, let me rephrase what others said to make it clear:

we don't want you to come back ...

Anonymous said...

dang you pulled a dahis posting about your new movie so much and then quitting

Anonymous said...

^ that's a great idea

Anonymous said...

All good things...

Anonymous said...

someone go and post this petition on the mage forums already

Anonymous said...

Yo, check out my new haircut.

Anonymous said...

the viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiideoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
do it!

Anonymous said...

Spending all my nights, all my money going out on the town
Doing anything just to get you off of my mind
But when the morning comes
I'm right back where I started again
Trying to forget you is just a waste of time

Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you

All day long, wearing a mask of false bravado
Trying to keep up the smile that hides a tear
But as the sun goes down, I get that empty feeling again
How I wish to God that you were here

Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you

Now that I put it all together
Give me the chance to make you see
Have you used up all the love in your heart?
Nothing left for me, ain't there nothing left for me

Baby come back, any kind of fool could see (oh darlin')
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back (listen baby), you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you
I was wrong, and I just can't live

Baby come back (oh baby), any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you

Anonymous said...

NO RADDY NOOO! :( Good luck in whatever you end up doing.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear raddy, POST THAT LAST UPDATE SO I CAN STOP CHECKING HERE 5 TIMES A DAY!!!! hahah miss ur rants in my daily life, always love learning more about penis' and other such things.

-Dota Booling.

Anonymous said...

hellgate london looks pretty good.. with tlc/msd nerfs i a really thinking of switching to it..
any comments about the game?

Anonymous said...

i loved D2 (nvr played D1). infact it was only after D2 that i played WC3 and eventually WoW. Now that most of the game designers have moved out of blizz and wow-mage becoming a retard day by day (2.3 was supposed to be our savior.. /lol) i am all in for something else..
i mean paying 15 bucks a month for something i dont enjoy? not worth it imo
its a game.. yr epics wont mean shit in 5-8 months when wotlk comes out.. if the game does improve by then I can just come back and lvl my chars to 80 and continue from there on

Anonymous said...

wtb last update

Anonymous said...

oh balls! sucks you're leaving...good luck in whatevs

p.s. what's the name of the first track used in the trailer for the last vid?? it's sick...

Anonymous said...

^ ???

this post was written 16 days ago and you just checked it now?

Anonymous said...

=========> ~o ~o ~o
( ))

Illexiyel said...

Track is Szamar Madar by Venetian Snares.

Anonymous said...

WTB more posts....

Anonymous said...


But whatever, you were awesome ^___^ have fun in life.

Anonymous said...

atleast give us one last post... Q_Q

Anonymous said...

Demoted to "Casual" in guild =(

Anonymous said...

please come back

also -

Anonymous said...

Chi-town Represent.


Anonymous said...

"this post was written 16 days ago and you just checked it now?"

Look, some people don't spend every waking moment of their day checking Radikal Noise on the off chance that he might have had a change of heart and came back.

Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people :P

Anonymous said...

Casual = quit?

Anonymous said...

raddy i love you you can't do this to me

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i'm pretty sure that at 200 he will post is video

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe #203?

Anonymous said...

gief video plz

Anonymous said...

and where's your "one last update" ?

Anonymous said...

zomg hellgate >>> wow

Anonymous said...

22 days with no update and yet I still click on the link everyday holding out hope there will be something new :(

Anonymous said...

If your still coming here after 22 days and looking for a rad update, you are a loser! Yes, I am a loser too. :(

Anonymous said...

honest to god I quit playing wow because raddy quit posting. I've been clean for 3 weeks now.

Kirby said...

Ruck you Raddy, I don't love you anymore.

Anonymous said...

hypothermia changed back to 30 seconds, you can come back now Raddy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where is the new site?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

"They make IB trainable, and I'll be back to rock out with my cock out as DB"

Anonymous said...


thank you for protecting the mage class raddy-san

(my chakra is exploding in ecstacy)

Anonymous said...

Raddy is like the Ghandi of WoW. When he speaks up the man listens.

Now if only we had a picture of you in a skimpy robe...

Anonymous said...

Rady Ice Block will be trainable in a future patch.

Come back dude, there is hope now :)

Unknown said...

Come back Raddy or we gonna go all Naruto on you!

Anonymous said...

ni hao radikal-dono

radikal said...

Oh hello.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit, are you back? Please god please.

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