Sunday, June 24, 2007

Pandemic Repeats @ WSVG

There were some great games (not necessarily the finals) that you definitely missed out on if you didn't at least casually watch the tourney.

I learned a few things for sure; I hope that vids will be available online reasonably quickly for people to analyze and study in greater detail.

3v3 does seem pretty sick but I've never really played it much. Last season, with two active mages on our 3v3 team, I didn't really feel like playing much. I played with the team up until about 2200ish rating and then never really played it much after that. I spent about a week on a warlock/shammy/mage team but found that it had very little versatility. The two matrices in the finals both strike me as fun to play, and hopefully at some point I'll get a chance to try them out. It does seem that competitive WoW is really moving away from 5v5 into the small arena sizes and I'm not really sure how I feel about it yet. It's somewhat hypocritical of me to dislike the small arenas given my love of dueling and the value I place on dueling, but dueling is generally pretty friendly and there is a reasonable code of conduct most people follow: no engineering, no cheesy resistance gear, no restealthing for 5 minutes to reset full CD, no healing behind walls for LoS, etc. I'm not saying that the above are all "cheap" and shouldn't be in arena play, but just that I'm not sure how comfortable I am with how significant the dark side of dueling is in small arena matches.

Either way, I'm very jealous of everyone competing at WSVG and hope the "professional" attention spills over into the competition we see during weekly play. ^^


Anonymous said...

3v3 is cool. 2v2 is alittle meh to me. To much Warlock dominance in my opinion. Warlock/* is just brutal. There's going to be a ton of class switching in the cgs deal. Might as well start leveling every class there is on your account so you can use them in 2v2's when you need to counter. See ya next year when I have all the classes leveled and geared for it.

Anonymous said...

Cry more about warlocks please

Anonymous said...

I was in a 20 minute arena match this morning against a rogue/paladin team. We killed their pally, they killed my warlock (he has terrible gear) and I spent the next 20 minutes pursuing a rogue who knew how to juke my water elemental.

Anonymous said...

3v3 > 5v5 > 2v2 imo. only got to see the match between zecks+zizek+ohnoes vs check six. was really entertaining :)

Anonymous said...

5s require more work, more strategy and is better suited for better players.