Thursday, June 7, 2007

Hello Mouth, Let Me Introduce Foot

So about that June 12th date...

So the season runs for an extra week, I suppose it gives the slackers out there more time to BG farm it up for season 2 honor gear. Hopefully, we'll get a glimpse of the new arena and pvp gear this weekend on PTR and can plan accordingly.

I have some pretty radical ideas on ideas I want to try in arena in the next few weeks, and yes that was a play on "radikal" and for that I truly apologize, but I'm not going to rant about them all just yet without getting some testing in to see how they play out.

As you know with this site, I love to have a half dozen "incomplete" things floating around; I am aware that they remain unfinished, I often come back read them over again and again and realize I'm not really ready to finish them up.

I apologize for the lack of cogency in today's post by the way, no sleep for days and too much red bull:
  • Raddy : Red Bull ::
    • Lindsay Lohan : Cocaine
    • Yao Ming : Rogue PvP
    • In Flames : PvP Video
    • Warlocks : Mushrooms
  • If you guessed (A), you are CORRECT. Remember when solving analogies to express the word pair in a sentence. Red Bull is something Raddy likes to consume.
I've been thinking over the PvP trinket change and talking it over, theorycrafting, etc. Here's a brief rundown on how I see this affecting mages:

  • Obviously a huge buff for gnome mages who can simply EA the opening snare and save PvP trinket for blind. For non-gnomes, you can now more safely IB early, even IB the garotte without fear of blind, just make to get the vanish deny. If you've been playing the fight the way I do the majority of the time, which is PvP trinket early to gain distance, get some practice with other rogue dueling strats.
  • This should put all hunters who try to trap -> aimed, silence, multi, scatter, trap blah blah totally utterly on farm. It won't be a difference maker against someone like Valanmor who Vipe kites with BM and snakes.
  • Feral druids get hit very hard by this. You can use IB on the second cyclone now, and really feral druids don't have time to sit in caster form all day trying to cyclone you while your pet is ripping into them. This fight is getting easier. You can even be weird and PvP trinket a bash if you want to keep up the pressure without spending a global (and the mana) on Blink.
  • I actually don't think this will help us non-UD mages against locks very much. I think as UD you'll be able to do things differently now. Can pretty much ignore fake casts and just will or IB when you get feared, depending on how DoT'd you are, gaurantee a good CS and keep up pressure; for non UD mages, I don't see us having enough fear breaks where trinketing a deathcoil provides any real advantage over Ice Blocking it and then trinketing the next fear. Also, we can no longer sheep lock and kill FG which was probably the most effective SL-FG strat, so this matchup overall probably got a little worse for us with the change.
  • No change with priests, warriors, pallies.
  • Shamans are going to have to trinket that first nova either way, so I'm skeptical it is going to make a difference really.
  • The best part is getting out of cyclone. This might really save you if you're cycloned at low health to enable your teammates to get a big heal off. Or when you're going for the kill, you can quickly trinket the cyclone and keep up DPS. This will be great. ^^
  • As for how it affects our own CC, it makes no difference at all really.
  • Generally speaking, poly and fear are the OMG long arena CC. You're going to be trinketing these two the majority of the time so no major change there.
  • In small arena, being able to get out of blind/sap is pretty huge. I think small arena against rogues ,and to some extent druids, is where this change REALLY shows.


Animastryfe said...

What are the general uses for the snake trap?

Anonymous said...

It's been revealed Trinket won't remove DC.

Azael said...

The trinket doesn't remove scatter or freezing trap either atm, it's probably just a bug.

imYemeth said...

Let's hope so.

For UD-mages it wouldn't change so much, you could possibly trinket out of a death coil but this only makes sense if you're not dotted yet and want so save Ice Block to remove those nasty dots later.

Anonymous said...

As undead I still don't bother to CS fear against good locks 1v1 and just eat them and will/trinket. I don't see any reason to trinket DC when ideally you'll immune it with ice block if you anticipate it properly.

I guess it gives a little more flexibility in allowing me to ice block earlier if I get dot'd up way too much or to prevent a full drain life if CS is resisted/on cd. Not really a big change. I'm much more upset about locks being able to trinket out of poly in arenas again. Warlock teams had gotten much easier in 2.1 because I could actually keep them sheeped now. Oh well.