Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Arena Leanings

I'm really leaning towards Deep Arcane for season one, although I might change up depending on who my teammates end up being. I haven't really been approached by anyone expressing interest yet, but I'm hoping some of my old GameOver crew will be down to run at least 5s or 3s and carry me. ^^

I don't really care what matrix I run in 5s -- I think it's impossible to know what will be good.

In threes, I have interest in:

- rmp
- pmdk
- wmp
- mmp
- pmh
- pmret

I'd probably just about anything, but priest/mage synergy looks good as the two still have complementary CC.

In twos, I think mage/anything looks alright. ^^

As for exact specs, I'm really unsure right now. 53/18/0? 51/20/0? 51/17/3? 54/0/18? Hard to say right now -- it depends on how big a problem melee is for Arcane. I sort of anticipate most Arcane mages probably leaning towards the frost side of things as the spec might be too overkill anticaster with fire as a complement. Impact and Imp scorch are really the big draws from Fire compared to Shatter and Frostbite -- it's hard to say without dueling and arenaing to get a feel for it. With TotW not affecting Pyro damage, Pyro is much less of a draw. (Although will still hit plenty hard)

And professions? No idea really. Engineering seems decent with rocket boots plus haste on use on the gloves, but tbh, it isn't that much haste at 80 for a long CD, and I'm not really that sold on haste for an Arcane spec where you really just want massive +dmg to take advantage of the TotW and AP multipliers. (Granted you can cast more spells during the window potentially) Rocket boots are always good, especially in conjunction with EA. (EA and boots out of a slow and outrange reapplications maybe? Or just get big distance on a melee) WTB NEW INVULN BELT.

Secondary profession is even more difficult to call. Inscription, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, and Jewelcrafting all seem pretty interchangable to me. A few spell damage difference doesn't matter much. What about Alchemy? A 2k health pot doesn't seem awful. Herbalism would be great if Fireleaf was arena usable. (Burst damage and the 2k HoT?) I'm leaning towards Enchanting only because I'm already 330 or so on my gnome, but I'm not really convinced it is quite as good as the other options. 

As I've mentioned before, I do plan on PvEing this xpack, but everything is all contingent on finding a fun/suitable PvP crew on BDF again. With what looks like 4 multiple gladiator season mages in the guild, I'm not really sure how we'll all manage to form up teams without battling hardcore over the few active PvP healers, and it's quite likely that I'll be inevitably forced to play a class more complementary to what my friends are playing. (Priest again probably) So no promises of vids yet till I know where exactly I'll stand at season start. ^^

For those totally out of the looooopdeeloop, check out Spit part two. It's sex.


Oppo said...

Nitro boost usable in arena?

Or they gaying it like rocket boots?

Bynis said...


Raddy said...

sup lover. wanna touch peens and sing irish folk songs?

Anonymous said...


The engineer boot enchant is supposed to be arena friendly.

Mortos said...

raddy is out, spitty is in. we have a new hero. i came a half hour later at work just because i coulndt stop watching the movie

magdain said...

Inscription, Enchanting, and Leatherworking are all identical upgrades compared to the best enchants you can get for each relative slot. Blacksmithing is superior to all of them, just comparing stats, but it's hard to quantify the Engineering & Alchemy bonuses.

Personally? Not much caring for them.

Herbalism is .. I don't want to say terrible but extremely mediocre is appropriate.

Skinning is ridiculously bad.

Mining is kind of bad, but not completely.

As for Jewelcrafting, it will be slightly better (2 ap upgrade for melee) than Inscrip/LW/Ench without epic gems. Once epic gems are available it falls notably behind all three.

Best bang for your profession buck is BS + Inscrip/LW/Ench as long as you don't care for gold making professions. Thankfully farming is for cunts. Not cool.

And that blink master dude is hella sick. I wasn't expecting much when I downloaded his first video, but god damn. I'm hooked now.

Niiva said...

RMS imo.

Oppo said...

"The engineer boot enchant is supposed to be arena friendly."

So were the rocket boots.

Then they saw our WSG rocket boots + flag fun and kalgan was all like 'NO TAKE CANDLE!' and he probably lost in arena to that crazy double-dps hunter/rogue after they Tferred here to stomp americans (http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=82133)

It's only a matter of time until they put level restrictions on an engineering trinkets USE. They've already done it on effect.

"You are too high a level to use Gnomish Death Ray."

Anonymous said...

if you spec arcane barrage I will no longer read this blog =(

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is an enchantment for haste to rings.

Anonymous said...

Btw, as for the PvE comment... although a lot of PvE is noticeably easier than in the past (was it ever difficult?) it is still quite a bit more fun somehow.

Naxx was majorly nerfed since classic, yet I'm still having a blast running all over again.

Anonymous said...

Arcane barrage, instant invis and ice block makes for barrels of fun in world PVP. In fact, it makes the whole class more fun to play than particularly whimsical monkeys.

Anonymous said...

Loved that video. Reminded me of Gegon before he tried to please the masses with inferior specs (if you had double trinkets and werent AP spec you werent playing mage right). The Last Ovski showed me the way to pure mage pwndom. Was quite pleased with the last music and Gegon tribute at the end of the vid!

Anonymous said...

I foresee sick 1vsX mage fights at 80 with Arcane Barrage spec with Evocation glyph. Can't wait! Mages, after 2 years of suckage, our time has come! The 2-trinket Golden Age is back!

Anonymous said...

If you spec ez-arcane ill stop visiting this blog

Haab said...

Good, stop visiting you terribad.

Gilles de Rais said...

you're all gay... but it's okay, I understand how it is.

binty said...

what about Obama tho?

Mente said...


if you're going arcane go that, and with a priest? you're looking at sexy time damages!

that being said yes, spit is good.

and engi sucks atm dunno how I feel about haste thing.. either make it longer or reduce cd CMON BLIZ!

That was me posting above.. >.>

Anonymous said...

Cant get over how good that video is. Goes to show once again that mages are by far the class with the highest skill cap (and pwnage potential) of WoW.

Rilo said...

i'm back bitch

gameover v2.0?

Illexial said...


Anonymous said...

cool video, how does he do those instant 180 blinks, some macro for insta 180+blink?

kolenzo said...

mouse turn bro

Oppo said...

fast keyboard turn imo.

Raddy said...

Hi2u rilo

Ninja, I won't be back on till late 2nite, so no. You don't want to call everyone NERDS with me? /emo

Instant invis is 2sex to play other specs I dunno

I can't read any links on my phone but I'll be back soon

I got tooled on by my little cousins in Brawl---saaadddnneess

Wassup fake Raddy about damn time

Xoxo Radikal